McNally Discusses COVID-19 Antibody Study Results, Next Steps
During a recent webinar, Elizabeth McNally, MD, PhD, the Elizabeth J. Ward Professor of Genetic Medicine and director of the Center for Genetic Medicine, discussed findings from the ongoing Screening for Coronavirus Antibodies in Neighborhoods (SCAN) study and what genetics can reveal about COVID-19.
Thomas Named President-Elect of Illinois State Medical Society
J. Regan Thomas, MD, ’79 GME, professor of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, has been named president-elect of the Illinois State Medical Society, the largest professional organization in the state representing more than 10,000 Illinois-based physicians.
Viral Protein Rewires B-Cells to Promote Infection
A viral protein of the Epstein-Barr virus previously thought to mimic immune cell receptor signaling actually rewires intracellular signaling in infected cells, promoting viral cell survival and proliferation.
First Year Student Tackles Medical School and College Football
Tyler Gillikin began his first year of medical school while also playing football for Northwestern University.
Astrocytes Play Unexpected Role in Parkinson’s Disease
Astrocytes may play a protective role in Parkinson’s disease, slowing alpha-synuclein accumulation in neurons, according to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience.
Jordan Named Director of IPHAM Center for Education in Health Sciences
Neil Jordan, PhD, professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and of Preventive Medicine, has been named director of the Center for Education in Health Sciences, the education and training center within the Institute for Public Health and Medicine.
Suresh Elected ABA President
Santhanam Suresh, MD, MBA, ’91 GME, was elected board president of the American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA), the certifying body for anesthesiologists in the United States.
Medical Student Discusses Neurosurgery Research
Nathan Shlobin, a second-year medical student, was the first author of a study recently published in the Journal of Neurosurgery, which identified through systematic review potential risk factors for spinal cord ischemia related to anterior thoracolumbar surgery.
Unusual Epigenetic Regulator Could Impact Cancer
A newly discovered function of an epigenetic regulator could be a key to new cancer treatments, according to a new study published in Genes and Development.
Novel Drug May Improve Treatment for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
A novel drug may improve the efficacy of corticosteroid treatment for patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and overall quality of life, according to a recent clinical trial.
Thompson Honored by National Medical Fellowships
Alexis Thompson, MD, MPH, section chief of Hematology in the Department of Pediatrics, received the Distinguished Alumni Award from National Medical Fellowships, a non-profit organization that provides scholarships and other support for underrepresented minority students in medicine and health professions.
IPHAM Leadership Delivers “State of the Institute” Address
In the face of the greatest public health crisis in a century, Feinberg’s Institute for Public Health and Medicine (IPHAM) mobilized with leading-edge science, new grant programs for community partners and a series of informational webinars.
Feinberg Investigator Receives $1.8 million CDC Grant for Gun Violence Prevention Research
The three-year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will fund the first-ever study looking at how sibling relationships influence firearm involvement.
Immunotherapy Effective in Hodgkin Lymphoma
A brief course of immunotherapy resulted in complete and near complete remission in nearly two-thirds of previously untreated patients with classical Hodgkin lymphoma, according to a Northwestern Medicine trial.
Northwestern Medicine Scientists Lead Project to Develop Novel Female Contraceptives
A multi-institution team of investigators led by Northwestern Medicine scientists has received an $8 million grant for the identification of novel biological targets to develop non-hormonal contraceptives for women in developing countries.
Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators Appoints New Director
Mary McBride, MD, MEd, associate professor of Pediatrics and Medical Education, has been named director of the Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators (FAME), effective November 1.
New Brain Tumor Imaging Detects Smaller Tumors Sooner
A new three-dimensional imaging technique invented by Northwestern scientists greatly improves the visibility of brain tumors in magnetic resonance imaging scans.
Promoting Gender Equity in Academic Medicine During COVID-19
A recent Northwestern Medicine perspective piece published in journal Academic Medicine discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic could impact gender equity within the field, specifically the retention and advancement of women.
Northwestern Medicine Scientists Receive Multimillion-dollar Grant to Continue Landmark Parkinson’s Study
Tanya Simuni, MD, director of the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center, has received a multimillion-dollar grant from The Michael J. Fox Foundation to identify biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease progression for use in clinical trials for novel therapies.
Healy Receives Physician Assistant Lifetime Achievement Award
Kristine Healy, MPH, PA-C, assistant professor of Medical Education and associate director of Feinberg’s Physician Assistant program, has received the Illinois Academy of Physician Assistants’ Lifetime Achievement Award for her service and dedication to physician assistant advocacy, education and clinical practice.