Northwestern’s Operation Warm Blanket program, run by Northwestern Medicine staff and Feinberg students , helps Chicago’s homeless get back on their feet through providing wrap-around services, supportive housing resources and medical care.
Kamya Bijawat, a second-year medical student, spent a month this summer in South Africa studying how wireless infant monitoring sensors developed at Northwestern could improve parent-infant bonding in low-resource settings.
Medical students performed a variety of comedy skits and musical numbers that parodied the medical school experience at the 41st annual performance of In Vivo, Feinberg’s sketch comedy and variety show.
Noor Hamideh, a second-year medical student, is president of the Muslim Student Association and is interested in pediatrics and health equity.
Students in Feinberg’s Education Centered Medical Home program — a four-year, team based clerkship in underserved settings — experienced superior primary care training, according to a recent study.
Northwestern investigators led by fourth-year student Grace Haser found that a majority of adult gun owners in a Chicago neighborhood with high rates of firearm violence favored firearm safety counseling offered in healthcare settings.
Mike Boctor, a first-year student, combined his passions for film and medicine by directing an award-winning short film about the healing process for survivors of sexual assault.
Costner McKenzie, a fourth-year medical student, is interested in dermatology beyond just the skin.
Northwestern Simulation, which was recently reaccredited as a Comprehensive Education Institute by the American College of Surgeons, provides state of the art simulation-based training and education.
Ramael Ohiomoba, a second-year student, was one of two medical students in the country to be awarded the Dr. Richard Allen Williams Scholarship through the Association of Black Cardiologists.