Nonprofit organization Chicago Youth Programs recognized 12 Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine students for their participation in a one-on-one high school mentoring program.
Northwestern’s Center for Device Development is bringing together clinicians and engineers to develop medical devices with guidance from entrepreneurial experts and through a series of real-world experiences.
Elizabeth G. Nabel, MD, president of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, will speak at this year’s medical school commencement ceremony.
Fostering and recognizing outstanding medical educators – including faculty, physician assistants, nurses, fellows, residents, and students – Feinberg’s third annual Medical Education Day carried with it the theme of “Active Learning.”
Started by Dean Eric G. Neilson, MD, the annual luncheon celebrating Feinberg’s endowed professors serves as a way to thank and honor these faculty members for their accomplishments and contributions to science, education, and research.
Jeffrey Barsuk, MD, MS, presented information about the central line insertion simulation training program he developed and implemented with Diane Wayne, MD, to a national audience during an AAMC webinar.
From groundbreaking research to an exciting new curriculum, Feinberg achieved a number of accomplishments in 2012. Take a look at our top 25 stories.
First- and second-year students put on the annual sketch comedy show In Vivo this past weekend. The money raised from ticket sales benefited Fresh Moves Mobile Produce Market, a nonprofit that serves neighborhoods with little access to fresh food.
To commemorate the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, members of the Chicago campus DREAM Committee hosted two panel discussions, a movie screening, and reception in an effort to connect the legacy of Dr. King to today’s social justice challenges through critical analysis and reflection.
This week more than 25 medical and physician assistant students from across Chicago will complete training on how to teach hands-only CPR and use an AED through a new CCARES program. The ultimate goal of the program is to build community awareness of these lifesaving skills.