Infant and childhood food allergy, whose cause has long been a mystery, has now been linked to a mix of environmental and genetic factors that must coexist to trigger the allergy, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study.
A drug called dasatinib was found to be safe and effective for children with chronic myeloid leukemia, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Over 430 scientists, trainees, students and faculty presented abstracts at Feinberg’s 14th Annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day, a celebration of the medical school’s innovative research and the dedicated investigators who make it happen.
Among patients with stage III colon cancer, regular nut consumption was associated with significantly lower rates of cancer recurrence and death, according to a new study.
A new Northwestern Medicine study shows how a breakdown in the development of inhibitory neurons helps explain autism’s link to epilepsy.
The newly-launched Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment is a translational science hub that aims to investigate the neurobiology of autism and facilitate the development of new treatments.
A sudden loss of net worth in middle or older age is associated with a significantly higher risk of death, according to a new study.
Michael Abecassis, MD, MBA, the James Roscoe Miller Distinguished Professor of Medicine and founding director of the Comprehensive Transplant Center, has been named the winner of the 2018 Tripartite Legacy Faculty Prize in Translational Science and Education.
The roots of a progressive degenerative disease begin much earlier than previously thought, according to a recent Northwestern Medicine study.
A recent trend of using hospital volume as a surrogate measure of cardiovascular care may not accurately represent quality, according to a recent study published in Circulation.