Northwestern Medicine physicians and nurses collaborated with the Chicago Fire Department to develop practice scenarios that will enhance communication between paramedics and physicians as well as continuity of care for patients.
Student group Queers and Allies recently celebrated the release of the medical school’s first annual OutList, one of many programs and resources it facilitates to promote acceptance of LGBT individuals at Feinberg and to improve health within the LGBT community.
Medical students gathered to share their Area of Scholarly Concentration research projects with faculty and peers at a recent poster session.
Feinberg faculty, staff and students participated in lectures, workshops and presentations during the 5th Annual Medical Education Day.
Second-year physician assistant students teamed up with third-year medical students to solve simulated patient scenarios during a weeklong Synthesis and Application Module, aimed at reinforcing information learned during clinical clerkships.
Second-year medical students spent four weeks of their summer conducting research for their Area of Scholarly Concentration, a four-year longitudinal project that culminates with a thesis.
During the Introduction to the Profession Module, first-year medical students at Feinberg spent their first week of medical school learning teamwork, communication and patient safety.
Linda Suleiman, MD, a fourth-year resident in Orthopaedic Surgery, has been awarded the 2015 Marco Ellis Legacy Award for her outstanding leadership and commitment to diversity.
As the first medical director of Feinberg’s Office of Continuing Medical Education, Clara Schroedl, MD, plans to expand and improve current education offerings through innovation and technology.
Feinberg welcomed high school students from across the nation for a day of interactive learning at Northwestern Simulation.