Recent News

  • Nanotechnology Technique Could Lead to Ultimate Gene Chip

    June 10, 2002 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or Nanotechnology Technique Could Lead to Ultimate Gene Chip EVANSTON, ILL.— Using an atomic force microscope tip as a pen and different single-stranded DNA as inks, scientists at Northwestern University have demonstrated a technique that could lead to the ultimate high-density gene chip because it[…]

  • New Device Removes Drinking Water Contaminants

    June 20, 2002 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or New Device Removes Drinking Water Contaminants EVANSTON, ILL.— A Northwestern University environmental engineer has received a U.S. patent for a treatment device that renders perchlorate—a thyroid-damaging ingredient of rocket fuel and a drinking water problem—harmless. The applications extend beyond the safety of drinking water[…]

  • McGaw Medical Center Welcomes New Housestaff

    McGaw Medical Center Welcomes New Housestaff The McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University welcomed 332 new residents and fellows this month. On June 18 orientation was held for 112 first-year residents and 31 new upper-level residents at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) and VA Chicago Health Care System—Lakeside Division as well as the Rehabilitation Institute of[…]

  • NU-AID Volunteers Serve the Underserved in Nicaragua

    NU-AID Volunteers Serve the Underserved in Nicaragua The Northwestern University Alliance for International Development (NU-AID), a medical school student organization, will bring free health services to the people of Nicaragua this June 22–30. Twenty-one students and four faculty physicians will set up clinics in and near the towns of Matagalpa and Jinotega. Dispensing some $200,000[…]

  • University Receives Grant to Study Oral Cancer

    June 20, 2002 University Receives Grant to Study Oral Cancer CHICAGO— Oral cancer currently accounts for almost 6 percent of all malignancies, and its incidence is increasing worldwide. At least 90 percent of oral cancers are squamous cell carcinomas that originate from the oral epithelium, a thin lining of cells that covers tissues in the[…]

  • Student AMWA Chapter Recognized

    Student AMWA Chapter Recognized The student chapter of the American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) was selected the top graduate student organization at Northwestern on May 30 during the University Honors Day. The group was selected based on the nature and frequency of programs conducted. The chapter’s activities include presenting three guest speakers on topics ranging[…]

  • AIDS/HIV Education for Jailed Women Could Reduce Epidemic

    May 15, 2002 AIDS/HIV Education for Jailed Women Could Reduce Epidemic CHICAGO— Providing HIV and AIDS education to female jail detainees could reduce the HIV and AIDS epidemic in the United States and should become a national public health priority, a Northwestern University study recommends. Many women at particular risk for HIV and AIDS—women who[…]

  • Choline Prevents Liver Damage in Patients on IV Nutrition

    May 15, 2002 Choline Prevents Liver Damage in Patients on IV Nutrition CHICAGO— Research has shown that fatty liver, a condition associated with obesity, diabetes and heavy alcohol consumption, often leads to cirrhosis of the liver or liver failure. Studies conducted by Alan L. Buchman, MD, associate professor of medicine at The Feinberg School of[…]

  • Construction Season Opens on Chicago Campus

    Construction Season Opens on Chicago Campus An often-heard saying is that Chicago has two seasons: winter and construction. If that’s the case, the construction season has begun in earnest on Northwestern’s Chicago campus with two major projects under way. Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s Wesley Pavilion, at the northwest corner of Fairbanks Court and Superior Street, is[…]

  • 1961 Wesley Nursing Grads Plan Reunion

    1961 Wesley Nursing Grads Plan Reunion All 1961 graduates of the Wesley Memorial Hospital School of Nursing are invited to reunion festivities planned for Chicago in spring 2003. For information, contact Carol Ross Premo at 3710 Ramshorn Drive, Fremont, MI 49412 or The Wesley nursing school affiliated with Northwestern University in 1905 and offered[…]

  • Dr. David Satcher to Address Northwestern Medical Graduates

    Dr. David Satcher to Address Northwestern Medical Graduates Fomer U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher, MD, PhD, will speak to this year’s graduates of Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine during graduation convocation May 24 at Navy Pier. One hundred sixty-nine graduates will receive MD degrees; five of them also will receive PhD degrees, three others[…]

  • Tau Protein Required for Development of Alzheimer’s Disease

    May 15, 2002 Tau Protein Required for Development of Alzheimer’s Disease CHICAGO— Researchers have argued for years over whether neurofibrillary tau tangles or beta-amyloid plaques are the primary cause of Alzheimer’s disease. Autopsies show that these hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease are often found in the same brain regions—preferentially in areas responsible for learning and memory—but[…]

  • Teen Sleep Deprivation May Affect Behavior, Academics

    May 15, 2002 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or Teen Sleep Deprivation May Affect Behavior, Academics EVANSTON, ILL.— Research has clarified what most parents already know about the sleep patterns of adolescents—they seem to have an unlimited capacity to sleep late on weekends. In a study presented April 18 at the Annual Meeting[…]

  • Children’s Memorial Dedicates Middle School Health Center

    Children’s Memorial Dedicates Middle School Health Center Thanks to Children’s Memorial Hospital, Arai Middle School in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood has become the first Chicago public middle school to house a school-based health center. Recently dedicated, the center provides a range of services, including mental health screening, counseling, and dental care. Cynthia J. Mears, DO, assistant[…]

  • Built-in ‘Failsafe’ Blocks Abnormal Growth of New Blood Vessels

    April 12, 2002 Built-in ‘Failsafe’ Blocks Abnormal Growth of New Blood Vessels CHICAGO— Some inhibitors of angiogenesis prevent new blood vessel growth by triggering a built-in “failsafe” device in vessel-forming endothelial cells that marks them for apoptosis, or programmed cell death, according to a study from The Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University and[…]

  • Students and McGaw Medical Center Meet Their Matches

    Students and McGaw Medical Center Meet Their Matches At Match Day festivities on March 21, fourth-year medical students celebrated their future plans at a pub near campus with family and friends. Of the 165 graduating students, 54 matched in internal medicine. The next largest groups matched in pediatrics (20), surgery (19), and emergency medicine (15).[…]

  • NMH Honored for Patient Care

    NMH Honored for Patient Care Northwestern Memorial Hospital recently garnered accolades for excellence in patient care. Consumers’ Checkbook, a Washington, D.C.–based nonprofit consumer education organization, named NMH fifth on the list of “America’s Top Hospitals” in a 2002 national survey. The hospital’s Best Patient Experience (BPE) pilot project received the annual Patient Service Excellence Award[…]

  • Reunion Weekend a Big Success

    Reunion Weekend a Big Success Alumni Weekend attracted more than 435 alumni and their guests to the medical school April 19–20. Keen interest in Northwestern’s progress made a state-of-the-school address, presented by Senior Executive Associate Dean and Chief Operating Officer Jeffrey C. Miller, a major attraction. Strongly attended, the update generated “lively discussion,” reported Assistant[…]

  • Students Recognized with Fellowships

    Students Recognized with Fellowships Four first-year medical students have been selected to participate in the 2002–03 Chicago Schweitzer Fellowship Program. They are Sara B. Busarow of Racine, Wisconsin; Benjamin Levi of Highland Park, Illinois; Carla A. Morgan, of Valparaiso, Indiana: and Anna E. Ringwelski, of Budd Lake, New Jersey. They and 23 colleagues from other[…]