Tag: Medical Education

  • ACGME Honors Feinberg Professor with Teaching Award

    Feinberg School of Medicine Professor Receives 2010 Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award Diane Wayne, MD, associate professor of medicine, program director internal medicine residency, and vice-chair of education in the Feinberg School of Medicine Department of Medicine. Diane Wayne, MD, associate professor of medicine, program director internal medicine residency, and vice-chair of education[…]

  • NU Faculty Shine in Journal’s Simulation Issue

    NU Faculty Shine in Journal’s Simulation Issue Dr. Vozenilek (right) instructs medical students using a patient simulator. Twelve new articles authored by Northwestern faculty members describe the state of the art for simulation-based medical education. The November issue of Academic Emergency Medicine is dedicated to the topic of science of simulation in healthcare. This special[…]

  • Simulation Class Reaps Postive Results

    Simulation Study Reaps Positive Results Dr. Park (right) supervises anesthesiology resident Jennifer Song, MD (center) as she addresses the computer-operated needs of the patient simulator nicknamed “Cosmo.” Cosmo is having chest pains and trouble breathing. The anesthesiology residents leap into action. As an organized team, they listen to his breathing, monitor his falling blood pressure,[…]

  • Internist Shows Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Training

    Internist Shows Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Training A patient named “Cosmo” has taught Feinberg School of Medicine faculty member Diane Bronstein Wayne, MD ’91 (shown second from left), much about medical education and the power of research. He has made her an award winner too. The Society of General Internal Medicine bestowed upon this associate professor[…]

  • Online Continuing Medical Education Available

    Online Continuing Medical Education Available In collaboration with a commercial medical communication company and Children’s Memorial Hospital (CMH), the Feinberg School of Medicine is offering options for receiving continuing medical education (CME) credits online. “Our faculty members serve as the course directors who develop the content,” says Genevieve Napier, director of CME at the Feinberg[…]

  • McGaw Medical Center Welcomes New Housestaff

    McGaw Medical Center Welcomes New Housestaff The McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University welcomed 332 new residents and fellows this month. On June 18 orientation was held for 112 first-year residents and 31 new upper-level residents at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) and VA Chicago Health Care System—Lakeside Division as well as the Rehabilitation Institute of[…]

  • Students and McGaw Medical Center Meet Their Matches

    Students and McGaw Medical Center Meet Their Matches At Match Day festivities on March 21, fourth-year medical students celebrated their future plans at a pub near campus with family and friends. Of the 165 graduating students, 54 matched in internal medicine. The next largest groups matched in pediatrics (20), surgery (19), and emergency medicine (15).[…]

  • Bonow is President-Elect of American Heart Association

    March 8, 2002 Broadcast Media: Tamara Kerrill Field at (847) 491-4888 or attlk@northwestern.edu Bonow is President-Elect of American Heart Association CHICAGO— Robert O. Bonow, M.D., Max and Lilly Goldberg Professor of Cardiology at The Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, has been named president-elect of the American Heart Association. Bonow will become the AHA[…]