McGaw Medical Center Welcomes New Housestaff


McGaw Medical Center Welcomes New Housestaff

ResidentsThe McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University welcomed 332 new residents and fellows this month. On June 18 orientation was held for 112 first-year residents and 31 new upper-level residents at Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) and VA Chicago Health Care System—Lakeside Division as well as the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago’s 12 new residents. On June 17 Evanston Northwestern Healthcare (ENH) introduced 55 first-year residents to its programs, and Children’s Memorial Hospital (CMH) did the same for 33 pediatric residents. In addition, ENH enrolled 3 new fellows, CMH added 27 fellows, and NMH will hold orientation for 54 new fellows on June 28.

More than 900 residents and fellows are enrolled in the McGaw Medical Center’s 27 residency programs and 56 fellowship programs.