As part of medical students’ Introduction to the Profession week, rapper and motivational speaker David Rush opened up to first-year medical students about his experiences during treatment for kidney disease.
Karl Bilimoria, MD, MS, associate professor of Surgery, found growing acceptance of new flexible shift lengths in a national survey of surgical residents.
Fourth-year medical student Kyle Yoo has been selected as a Fogarty Global Health Fellow and will travel to Kerala, India to study the interplay between management practices and acute cardiac care.
Almost 70 percent of questions on the American Board of Internal Medicine’s Maintenance of Certification exam concurred with the frequency of conditions seen in general internal medicine practice, according to a JAMA study.
A recent seminar explored the topic of innovation in medical education and the role of mastery learning in training of the next generation of physicians.
Quentin Youmans, MD, a second-year resident in internal medicine, received the Leadership Award, and Elsy Compres, a second-year medical student, received the Minority Scholars Award from the American Medical Association Foundation.
Michael Musharbash, a second-year medical student, has received a Schweitzer Fellowship to implement educational services for LGBT and homeless youth at the Center on Halsted.
On May 13, students in the Physician Assistant Program’s Class of 2017 celebrated completing their Master of Medical Science degrees with family and friends.
Jeffrey Barsuk, ’99 MD, ’02 GME, ’10 MS, professor of Medicine in the Division of Hospital Medicine and of Medical Education, was recently recognized for his innovative research into simulation-based mastery learning.
Members of the class of 2017 joined faculty, friends and family members at the 158th commencement ceremony on May 22.