Second-year medical student Chaitanya Medicherla explores the effects of immune cells on cancer development as part of his Area of Scholarly Concentration research project.
Professor Paul Greenberger, MD, was recognized for the impact he has made in the field of allergy and immunology.
A group of medical students spent a month volunteering in urban and rural clinics and learning about public health in India.
Students in the Physician Assistant Program celebrated National Physician Assistant Week by raising awareness about the training and career of PAs, as well as by holding a keynote lecture and reception.
Two students in the PhD/MPH program launched the first edition of Northwestern Public Health Review.
Bronwyn Rae, MD, MPH ’13, lecturer in preventive medicine, will spend the next year as a professor of anesthesia in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as part of a new public/private initiative of the Peace Corps and Seed Global Health.
Most recently the chief of genetic medicine and director of the Institute for Integrative Genomics at Vanderbilt University, Alfred L. George Jr., MD, arrives at Feinberg on March 1, 2014.
Comprised of the world-class Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute and Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute, the Heart Institutes at Northwestern Medicine are poised to become a recognized leader in cardiovascular medicine through clinical excellence and the discovery of innovative new therapies.
The nanoscientist is one of 28 investigators named in the annual “Thomson Reuters Predicts Nobel Laureates” study, which has accurately forecasted 27 winners since its inception in 2002.
Shirley Chi, MD’01, GME’02, discusses how her education at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine shaped her career as a dermatologist, teacher, and advocate.