Claudia Leung, a third-year medical student, was recently awarded the Doris Duke International Clinical Research Fellowship to pursue a clinical research project in Kenya to study the causes of heart failure among East Africans.
The Northwestern Medicine Academy for Quality and Safety Improvement received the 2015 Leape Ahead Award from American Association for Physician Leadership.
Barry Coller, MD, vice president for medical affairs and David Rockefeller Professor at Rockefeller University, will speak at the medical school’s commencement on Monday, May 18.
The Lectures in Life Sciences series runs throughout the academic year and features prominent scientists speaking on topics ranging from pathology to cell and molecular biology.
Michel Kliot, MD, will succeed Andrew Parsa, MD, PhD, as interim chair of the Department of Neurological Surgery.
Former students returned to Feinberg for Alumni Weekend on April 17 and 18 to reunite with old classmates and check out what’s happening at the medical school.
Northwestern University has established a $200,000 prize to be awarded to physician-scientists whose body of research exhibits outstanding achievement in their disciplines, the Mechthild Esser Nemmers Prize in Medical Science.
A new $10.5 million gift from alumni Muneer Satter and Kristen Hertel will support Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and School of Education and Social Policy.
Andrew Parsa, MD, PhD, chair of the departments of Neurological Surgery at Feinberg and Northwestern Memorial Hospital, was a respected leader, colleague and educator as well as a pioneering surgeon-scientist specializing in complex tumors of the brain and spine.
Medical students from all four years nominated Eugene Silinsky, PhD, Professor in the Department of Pharmacology, to be the 2015 Harry N. Beaty Honors Day Speaker.