Lupus Link to Other Diseases Studied
February 7, 2003 Lupus Link to Other Diseases Studied CHICAGO— A link between lupus, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease in young women may be key to understanding why postmenopausal women who do not have lupus are at increased risk for the bone mineral loss and heart disease. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects predominantly young,[…]
Northwestern Launches Neuroendovascular Service
Northwestern Launches Neuroendovascular Service The Departments of Neurological Surgery and Radiology at the Feinberg School have launched a joint Neuroendovascular Service. Department chairs H. Hunt Batjer, MD, Michael J. Marchese Professor of Neurological Surgery, and Eric J. Russell, MD, Drs. Frederick John Bradd and William Kennedy Professor of Radiology, jointly recruited Bernard R. Bendok, MD,[…]
Progesterone Regulates Male Mouse Behavior
February 27, 2003 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or atfellman@northwestern.edu Progesterone Regulates Male Mouse Behavior EVANSTON— In an unexpected discovery, a team led by Northwestern University scientists has become the first to show that progesterone, a hormone usually associated with female reproduction and maternal behavior, plays a key role in regulating male aggression toward[…]
Safety Improves on NU’s Chicago Campus
Safety Improves on NU’s Chicago Campus Reported crimes against persons and property have dropped significantly during the past three years on the Northwestern University Chicago Campus, according to University Police statistics reported at a town hall meeting on campus safety held February 20 in Turnbull Auditorium. Crimes against persons dropped from 18 in 2000 to[…]
Chicago Magazine Features Breakthrough Doctors
Chicago Magazine Features Breakthrough Doctors Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine is well represented in Chicago magazine’s cover story on breakthrough doctors that appears in its January 2003 issue. Seven medical school faculty members, along with a staff member at a Northwesternâaffiliated teaching hospital, are among the 17 doctors featured as “pioneers on the frontiers[…]
Digital X-Ray Shows View of Limb Regeneration
January 28, 2003 Digital X-Ray Shows View of Limb Regeneration CHICAGO— Employing high-tech, digital x-ray microtomography (microCT), Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine scientists have discovered the way in which newts form new bone and cartilage during limb regeneration. Newts are a type of salamander, the only vertebrates capable of rebuilding lost structures such as[…]
In Memoriam (William Beatty, Oscar Hechter)
In Memoriam (William Beatty, Oscar Hechter) William K. Beatty, professor emeritus at the Feinberg School and former director of the medical library, died of a heart attack December 9 at Evanston (Ill.) Hospital; he was 76. Born in Toronto, Mr. Beatty spent most of his childhood traveling with his family in the northeastern United States,[…]
In Vivo Plays This Weekend
In Vivo Plays This Weekend More than 100 medical students from all four classes at the Feinberg School of Medicine will present In Vivo, the annual comedy-musical show on Friday, January 31, and Saturday, February 1. Playing from 7 to 9 p.m. each night at Thorne Auditorium, this year’s production is titled “Lube” and will[…]
Quilt Project Commemorates Historic Study
Quilt Project Commemorates Historic Study Two quilts commemorating the historic Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) have been created by staff members and participants at the Feinberg School of Medicine’s WHI clinic on the Northwestern University Chicago campus. Northwestern became involved with the WHI, the largest clinical study ever conducted in the United States, when it was[…]
Researchers Search for Sex Reversal Gene
January 21, 2003 Researchers Search for Sex Reversal Gene CHICAGO— Northwestern University has received a five-year, $2.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to identify the gene mutations that cause sex reversal, a condition in which individuals have the chromosomes of one sex but the physical attributes of the other, resulting in[…]
Two Northwestern-Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Named Among the Nation’s Top 15
Two Northwestern-Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Named Among the Nation’s Top 15 Evanston Northwestern Healthcare (ENH) and Northwestern Memorial Hospital (NMH) have been ranked among the top 15 major teaching hospitals and top 100 hospitals overall in a recent study of the health care industry. Both ENH and NMH are member hospitals of the McGaw Medical Center[…]
Gene Therapy Used in Cancer Cure
December 18, 2002 Gene Therapy Used in Cancer Cure CHICAGO— Using a novel gene therapy approach that boosts the body’s immune system, a Northwestern University researcher has cured cancer in laboratory mice. In experiments reported in the Dec. 15 issue of Cancer Research, Chung Lee, PhD, and colleagues at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine[…]
In Memoriam (William Roach)
In Memoriam (William Roach) William R. Roach, MD , professor emeritus of obstetrics and gynecology and former chief of staff at Passavant Memorial Hospital (later Northwestern Memorial Hospital [NMH]), died October 20 of cancer in his Oak Park, Illinois, home. A native of Marquette, Michigan, Dr. Roach earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of[…]
Webster Named President of Chicago Board of Health
Webster Named President of Chicago Board of Health James R. Webster Jr., MD, Michael A. Gertz Professor of Medicine, is the new president of the Chicago Board of Health. Dr. Webster was appointed to the post by Mayor Richard M. Daley and confirmed by the City Council in early December. The Chicago Board of Health[…]
New Study Refutes Theory of Adolescence
December 13, 2002 New Study Refutes Theory of Adolescence CHICAGO— Despite the widely accepted belief that puberty breeds rebellion and emotional turmoil, findings from a Northwestern University study show that adolescents raised in traditional families are more likely to be well-adjusted teenagers and, as adults, have traditional families and continue their good adjustment. The research[…]
Children’s Memorial Joins Brain Tumor Consortium
Memorial Joins Brain Tumor Consortium The Falk Brain Tumor Center of Children’s Memorial Hospital (CMH) is the newest member of the prestigious Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium. The Falk Center is the only institution to be accepted into the consortium this year. Other member institutions include the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Duke University, and Children’s National[…]
Philanthropist Reuben Feinberg Dies at Age 83
December 13, 2002 Contact: Charles R. Loebbaka at 847/491-4887 or at c-loebbaka@northwestern.edu Philanthropist Reuben Feinberg Dies at Age 83 CHICAGO— Reuben Feinberg, 83, a major Chicago-area philanthropist, died Friday (Dec. 13) at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Mr. Feinberg, a leader in Chicago-area real estate and banking, made gifts to Northwestern University totaling more than $103[…]
Minority and Cultural Affairs Office Opens
Minority and Cultural Affairs Office Opens The Feinberg School’s new Office of Minority and Cultural Affairs recently opened its doors for business right in the heart of the medical school complex—on the main floor of the Morton Building just down the hall from the Offices of Student Affairs and Admissions. There John E. Franklin, MD,[…]
Psychiatric Disorders Prevalent Among Juvenile Detainees
December 13, 2002 Psychiatric Disorders Prevalent Among Juvenile Detainees CHICAGO— Mental health professionals have speculated for years that many adolescents with serious psychiatric disorders are arrested instead of treated. Yet, there have been few studies. Now, a Northwestern University study has found that the majority of boys and girls currently detained in a juvenile facility[…]