Recent News

  • Scientists Find ‘Holy Grail’ of Hearing Research

    November 2, 2004 Scientists Find ‘Holy Grail’ of Hearing Research CHICAGO—Northwestern University neuroscientists and colleagues have identified a protein long considered to be the missing link in hearing research, a finding that may eventually lead to gene therapies for deafness. In the online version of the journal Nature, Jaime Garcia-Añoveros, PhD, Anne Duggan, PhD, and[…]

  • Over-the-Counter Drugs Could Save $4.75 Billion Annually

    November 9, 2004 Over-the-Counter Drugs Could Save $4.75 Billion Annually Using nonprescription, or over-the-counter (OTC), medications to treat common upper respiratory infections could save $4.75 billion a year, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Northwestern University. The study, which was sponsored by the Consumer Healthcare Products Association and was presented on October[…]

  • Stable Weight Reduces Heart Risk

    November 16, 2004 Stable Weight Reduces Heart Risk CHICAGO—Gaining 15 pounds or more over several years is the major contributor to progression of risk factors for heart disease and development of metabolic syndrome, while maintaining a stable weight—even in individuals considered obese—significantly reduces those risks, according to a study led by a Northwestern University researcher.[…]

  • Study Assesses Effect of Tomato Oil on Precancerous Prostate Changes

    Study Assesses Effect of Tomato Oil on Precancerous Prostate Changes Lycopene, an antioxidant commonly found in tomatoes and tomato-based products, is perceived to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. A new study at Northwestern University seeks to determine whether natural tomato oil with a high concentration of lycopene may reverse or delay progression of[…]

  • Scientist Receives $3.5 Million to Study Genetics of ALS

    Scientist Receives $3.5 Million to Study Genetics of ALS Teepu Siddique, MD, Abbott Labs Duane and Susan Burnham Research Professor at the Feinberg School, has received a $3.5 million grant from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke to study the genetics of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. ALS[…]

  • System Helps Curb Severe Anemia

    October 5, 2004 System Helps Curb Severe Anemia CHICAGO—Cooperation among international adverse event reporting agencies has led to an 83 percent decline in a rare, potentially life-threatening form of anemia associated with recombinant human erythropoietin (epoetin), a widely used product for anemia that occurs among cancer patients or persons undergoing dialysis. Epoetin is the most[…]

  • Aneurysm Study Uses Gene Bank Samples

    September 28, 2004 Aneurysm Study Uses Gene Bank SamplesCHICAGO—In a major milestone in genetic research at Northwestern University, a study on the possible genetic causes of abdominal aortic aneurysms will be the first to use samples from NUgene, the University’s gene banking project. William Pearce, MD, professor of surgery and chief of vascular surgery at[…]

  • Arthritis Costs Are Double That of Other Patients

    Arthritis Costs Are Double That of Other Patients By Elizabeth Crown Medical care expenditures for those with arthritis are at least double the amount spent by those without arthritis, according to research presented at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Researchers from Northwestern University used results from the 1999–2000[…]

  • Study Looks at Drug to Treat Brain Cancer

    October 6, 2004 Study Looks at Drug to Treat Brain Cancer CHICAGO—A Northwestern University cancer researcher is conducting a study that will compare the effects of whole brain radiation therapy with supplemental oxygen without or with EfaproxynTM (efaproxiral), an experimental radiation sensitizer, in participants with brain cancer originating from metastatic breast cancer. Efaproxiral may improve[…]

  • Grant to Advance Technologies for Diabetes

    October 21, 2004 Grant to Advance Technologies for Diabetes By Elizabeth Crown CHICAGO—Northwestern University has received a major grant from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to advance technologies in the field of islet cell replacement for the treatment of type 1 diabetes. Principal investigator on the $1.5 million JDRF program project is Dixon B.[…]

  • Researchers Pinpoint False Memories Formation

    October 19, 2004 Contact: Pat Vaughan Tremmel at 847/491-4892 or Researchers Pinpoint False Memories Formation EVANSTON—False memories are the controversial subject of hotly contested arguments about the validity of repressed memories that can surface years after a traumatic event and about the credibility of eyewitness accounts in criminal trials. Because memories are imperfect under[…]

  • Stem Cell Biologist John Kessler Argues for Change in Government Policies

    Stem Cell Biologist John Kessler Argues for Change in Government Policies The controversy over stem cell research continues to grab headlines, especially in this presidential election year. For scientists, the field shows great promise for developing treatments and cures for a wide variety of diseases and conditions. For the general public, the field is often[…]

  • Young Women with Low Risk Have Lower Death Rates

    Young Women with Low Risk Have Lower Death Rate By Elizabeth Crown Young women at low risk for coronary heart disease and cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have lower long-term death rates from these diseases and all other causes compared with those with higher risk levels, according to an article in the Oct. 6 issue of the[…]

  • Nobel Winner is Northwestern Researcher

    October 12, 2004 Nobel Winner is Northwestern Researcher CHICAGO—Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine has a connection to the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Nobel laureate Aaron Ciechanover, PhD, who with two other scientists discovered how a protein called ubiquitin within cells targets other proteins to be discarded, is in the second year of a[…]

  • $2.1 Million Grant Funds Parkinson’s Research

    October 19, 2004 $2.1 Million Grant Funds Parkinson’s Research CHICAGO—Northwestern University has received a three-year, $2.1 million award from the Picower Foundation to study the molecular and cellular mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease. D. James Surmeier, PhD, Nathan Smith Davis Professor and chair of physiology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, is the principal investigator[…]

  • Student Orientation Week Held

    Student Orientation Week Held Starting Monday, August 23, the Feinberg School of Medicine welcomed the Class of 2008 with an array of activities during Orientation Week. Students were introduced to the curriculum and learned about financial aid, professionalism, and student organizations, as well as received basic life support training. Social events included an evening at[…]

  • Robert Satcher Selected for Top 50 List

    Robert Satcher Selected for Top 50 List The editors of Science Spectrum and U.S. Black Engineer & Information Technology have selected Robert L. Satcher, MD, PhD, assistant professor of orthopaedic surgery at the Feinberg School of Medicine, as one of this year’s “50 Most Important Blacks in Research Science.” Dr. Satcher and other honorees are[…]

  • Researcher Offers Tips for Better Sleep

    September 14, 2004 Researcher Offers Tips for Better Sleep CHICAGO—The 2003 Sleep in America poll by the National Sleep Foundation found that 67 percent of older Americans report trouble sleeping. Sleep for people over 55 often involves waking up several times during the night, not being able to get back to sleep and waking up[…]