Medical students in the Fein Yarns and Healing Threads student group work with patients at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago on their fine motor skills through knitting, and making baby hats for underserved patient populations.
As part of their community health project, first-year medical students presented on the barriers populations in different Chicago neighborhoods face to lead healthy lives.
Every Sunday, volunteer medical students and attending physicians provide primary care services at the Devon Clinic, a free health clinic that serves a predominantly uninsured, South Asian population.
A new resident-led program at Northwestern fosters community among underrepresented minority students in undergraduate and graduate medical education programs.
A passion for senior care brought Lee Lindquist, ’00 MD, ’03 ’05 GME, ’05 MPH, ’10 MBA, to Northwestern as a first-year medical student in 1996 and has kept her here for two decades.
Second-year medical student Arianna Yanes recently published an editorial in JAMA Internal Medicine about incorporating firearm safety into the medical school curricula.
First-year medical students participated in small group discussions and activities focused on HIV/AIDS to integrate and apply what they’d learned previously in a new context.