Residents Rachel Issaka, MD, and Ike Okwuosa, MD, were recognized and honored with the 2013 Marco Ellis Legacy Award for their extraordinary contributions to increasing diversity at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University.
Mary McGrae McDermott, MD, professor of medicine, has been selected to receive the designation Master of the Society of Vascular Medicine (SVM), the highest award bestowed by the organization. She was presented with the award at the recent national SVM meeting.
The Class of 2015 received their white physician assistant’s coats at a ceremony on Friday, June 7. Thirty students are accepted into the Physician Assistant Program at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine each year.
Addie Boone, a second-year medical student, received one of 31 Schweitzer Fellowships, which support public health research. She will use the award to develop a partnership between the medical school, Northwestern University Law School, and community clinics to help underserved patients with poorly-controlled asthma encourage their landlords to comply with habitability laws.
The 161 members of the Class of 2013 celebrated their commencement ceremony with friends, family, and faculty at Chicago’s Navy Pier Grand Ballroom on May 23.
Seventeen awards were presented to students and faculty at the inaugural event on May 22. Gaurava Agarwal, MD, instructor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences, was honored as its first keynote speaker.
Members of the Physician Assistant Program earned Master of Medical Science degrees on May 18.
Students sought advice about life as a female medical professional from faculty members during the annual spring tea event hosted by Feinberg’s American Women’s Medical Association and the Women’s Faculty Organization.
Four medical school faculty members were elected into two prestigious professional societies, the Association of American Physicians and the American Society for Clinical Investigation.
Leroy Hood, MD, PhD, president and co-founder of the Institute for Systems Biology, presented a lecture on systems approach to biology and medicine on Monday, May 13 at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.