Northwestern Medicine scientists have identified two drugs that stimulate stem cells in the central nervous system with the potential to repair the protective coating around neurons damaged in multiple sclerosis.
Despite previous findings suggesting a link between soy intake and decreased asthma severity, a new Northwestern Medicine study shows that soy supplements do not improve lung function for patients with asthma.
Treatment with two medications that target the most common genetic cause of cystic fibrosis improves lung function and lowers the rate of pulmonary exacerbations, according to results from a Northwestern Medicine clinical trial.
One hundred maps guide exploration of both the physical world and abstract ideas in Places & Spaces: Mapping Science, a visiting exhibit on display at the Galter Health Sciences Library through September 23, 2015.
A new Northwestern Medicine study validated a scoring system that measures physicians’ personal judgment of how sick a patient may become in the next 24 hours.
Northwestern Medicine scientists, inspired by treatments used by traditional healers in Nigeria, have synthesized four new chemical compounds that may lead to therapies for psychiatric disorders.
Northwestern Medicine scientists found increases in patient admissions, length of stay, medical treatments, and resource utilization for infants admitted to neonatal intensive care units with neonatal abstinence syndrome.
Prarthana Dalal, a first-year medical student, received a 2015 Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship, awarded by the Alpha Omega Alpha medical honor society, to support her project studying a protein involved in inflammation.