Elevated blood pressure as young as age 18 is a warning sign of cardiovascular disease developing later in life and the time to begin prevention. That’s decades earlier than clinicians and patients generally start thinking about heart disease risk.
First-year medical students used a first-of-its-kind iPad app, an interactive simulation-based textbook of cardiovascular physiology and hemodynamics, as part of their Cardiovascular Blood Module.
Hossein Ardehali, MD, PhD, has discovered that doxorubicin, an effective and commonly used anticancer drug, is causing an accumulation of iron inside of a cell’s mitochondria, resulting in heart damage.
After a heart attack, much of the damage to the heart muscle is caused by inflammatory cells that rush to the scene of the oxygen-starved tissue. But the damage is slashed in half when microparticles are injected into the blood stream within 24 hours of the attack, according to preclinical research.
Preliminary findings from a study by scientists at Feinberg and Vanderbilt University have shown no evidence of underlying coronary artery disease in some patients.
Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, scientists determined that patients with coronary artery disease and regional myocardial wall thinning often have only limited scarring.
In 2020, the majority of adults in America will be overweight or obese and more than half will suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetic conditions, according to projections presented today by Northwestern Medicine researchers at the AHA Scientific Sessions.