Northwestern Medicine investigators have identified novel intracellular mechanisms that could serve as future therapeutic targets for inflammatory skin diseases.
Twelve faculty with appointments at Feinberg were named to the 2022 “Highly Cited Researchers” list, published by Clarivate Analytics.
More than 480 investigators, students, trainees and faculty presented scientific posters and abstracts at Feinberg’s 16th Annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day.
The first biologic drug to treat moderate-to-severe eczema in infants and children was highly effective in reducing symptoms, according to a recent study.
Amy Paller, MD, the chair of and Walter J. Hamlin Professor of Dermatology, has been named the winner of the 2022 Tripartite Legacy Faculty Prize in Translational Science and Education.
A new study has identified a molecular switch, through a protein called CDK9, that plays an early and critical role in the skin stem cell differentiation process.
A new Northwestern Medicine study found of the new rules issued during a one-year period by the The Joint Commission, many did not appear to be supported by published evidence.
The Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Initiative at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University is bringing together Feinberg investigators who study immunotherapy to increase collaboration and accelerate high-impact immunotherapy research.
Dozens of faculty members and fourth-year medical students were recognized for their scholarly and clinical excellence at Feinberg’s Honors Day, held May 20.
Rohail Memon, a second-year medical student, used his finance background to investigate the rise of private equity ownership in dermatology practice.