Category: Uncategorized

  • Graduates Urged to Be High Tech and High Touch

    Graduates Urged to Be High Tech and High Touch Surrounded by family members and friends, 164 medical students celebrated their official entry into the medical profession at the Feinberg School’s 145th Graduation Convocation, held May 23 at Navy Pier’s Grand Ballroom. The event featured guest speaker Jordan J. Cohen, MD, president of the Association of[…]

  • Schweitzer Fellows Help the Underserved

    Schweitzer Fellows Help the Underserved Just as the program’s namesake Dr. Albert Schweitzer helped needy people in Africa, the 28 health care students participating in the 2003–04 Chicago Area Schweitzer Fellows Program will help the underserved as they work with agencies providing health care to fragile populations. Among next year’s Schweitzer fellows are first-year Northwestern[…]

  • Federal Grant Funds Reproductive Center

    April 17, 2003 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or Federal Grant Funds Reproductive Center EVANSTON, ILL.— Northwestern University has received $5.65 million over five years from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development to establish the multidisciplinary Center for Reproductive Research (CRR) at Northwestern. The center seeks innovative answers to female[…]

  • Medical Students Named Research Scholars

    Medical Students Named Research Scholars Two students at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine have been selected for the 2003–04 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Medical Scholars Research Program at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. Third-year student Maulik D. Majmudar of Germantown, Maryland, and second-year student Sima P. Patel of Diamond Bar,[…]

  • Nanotechnology May Help Overcome Current Limitations of Gene Therapy

    April 18, 2003 Broadcast Media: Tamara Kerrill Field at (847) 491-4888 or Nanotechnology May Help Overcome Current Limitations of Gene Therapy CHICAGO— Scientists from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and Argonne National Laboratory have created a hybrid “nanodevice” composed of a “scaffolding” of titanium oxide nanocrystals attached with snippets of DNA that may[…]

  • Public Invited to Free Lecture on Genetic Testing

    Public Invited to Free Lecture on Genetic Testing As part of its ongoing effort in public education, the Feinberg School of Medicine’s Center for Genetic Medicine is holding a free lecture for the public, “Genetic Testing and Common Disease.” Learn how genetic testing will be applied to common diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s[…]

  • Northwestern’s Feinberg School Moves Up in Rankings

    Northwestern’s Feinberg School Moves Up in Rankings In its annual survey of deans and senior faculty members at the nation’s 125 medical schools, U.S. News & World Report has ranked Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine 21st (up from 22nd last year) among research-intensive medical schools. Northwestern holds that ranking in a three-way tie with[…]

  • Accepted Students Take a “Second Look”

    Accepted Students Take a “Second Look” With the busy interview season behind them and acceptance decisions made, the Feinberg School’s Office of Admissions is giving accepted students another chance to experience the environment of the medical school during Second Look Weekend April 10–12. This year 150 students representing 65 undergraduate are expected to participate; last[…]

  • Two Genes Required For Testis Formation

    April 15, 2003 Two Genes Required For Testis Formation CHICAGO— The sex of newborns is dictated by the X and Y chromosomes—girls are XX whereas boys are XY. However, new research from Northwestern University has shown that normal testis formation depends on two genes: the so-called male-determining Sry gene, found on the Y chromosome 10[…]

  • 16th Century Meets the 21st on Vesalius Web Site

    16th Century Meets the 21st on Vesalius Web Site A translation of Andreas Vesalius’ anatomy atlas, De Humani Corporis Fabrica (On the Fabric of the Human Body) can now be viewed on the Web at . First published in 1543 and revised in 1555, the atlas “offers a detailed account of human anatomy and[…]