Six Chicagoland emergency residency programs implemented new simulation-based assessments for second-year residents.
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine students participated in Northwestern University’s First Annual Global Health Case Competition. The winning team will compete at the Emory University International Global Heath Case Competition in March.
The degree program offers tools needed to become a leader in global healthcare and address some of the most important, far-reaching and urgent health issues of the 21st century.
Dipal Patel, a sixth-year Medial Scientist Training Program student, studies a protein called desmoplakin to better understand the causes of diseases associated with sudden cardiac death during athletic events.
Dr. Roger E. Sheldon, MD ’68, and his wife, Carol V. Sheldon, MD, have provided an endowment to the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine for the McNicol Flair Sheldon Scholarship.
Shirley Chi, MD ’01, GME ’02, board-certified dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon, has become an on-air advocate for patients.
In her last year of residency, Jill Huded, MD, created new educational handouts for CommunityHealth, a free clinic in Chicago, to increase health literacy in an underserved population. Her project was funded by a Schweitzer fellowship.
First-year medical students used a first-of-its-kind iPad app, an interactive simulation-based textbook of cardiovascular physiology and hemodynamics, as part of their Cardiovascular Blood Module.
Linda Van Horn, PhD, RD, professor in Preventive Medicine, discusses the role of nutrition in the education of medical students and in research at the medical school.
Adenike Adewuyi, a third-year MD/PhD student, uses computational models to improve control of artificial limbs of partial hand amputees.