First-year medical students received their white coats and recited the Declaration of Geneva during the 157th Founders’ Day, marking their entry into the medical profession and the official start of the academic year.
During the Introduction to the Profession Module, first-year medical students at Feinberg spent their first week of medical school learning teamwork, communication and patient safety.
Linda Suleiman, MD, a fourth-year resident in Orthopaedic Surgery, has been awarded the 2015 Marco Ellis Legacy Award for her outstanding leadership and commitment to diversity.
As the first medical director of Feinberg’s Office of Continuing Medical Education, Clara Schroedl, MD, plans to expand and improve current education offerings through innovation and technology.
Feinberg welcomed high school students from across the nation for a day of interactive learning at Northwestern Simulation.
Kyle O’Hagan, a graduate student in the Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences, studies Pak2, a protein essential in the development of a subset of immune cells called regulatory T-cells.
Lizzie Aguiniga, a fifth-year graduate student, studies the role of enzymes associated with pelvic pain and other bladder problems.
Rebecca Edwards, an MD/PhD student, studies the role host factors play in mediating disease in the eye caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1.
New trainees went through a rigorous two-day ‘bootcamp’ to refine their communication and clinical skills before starting residency.
Supriya Rastogi, a second-year MD/MPH student, received a Schweitzer Fellowship to conduct a year-long project aimed at tackling racial and ethnic health disparities, with a focus on reproductive health on the South Side of Chicago.