Paper published in the Journal of Dental Research shows that nanodiamonds could serve as non-invasive delivery vehicles of growth factors to bone.
Research by Seth Corey, MD, MPH, professor in pediatrics-hematology, oncology, and stem cell transplantation and cell and molecular biology, was recently published.
Annual events hosted by the Buehler Center on Aging, Health & Society showcase research and educational activities related to aging, the terminally ill, and other vulnerable populations.
Serdar Bulun, MD, authored an article in the New England Journal of Medicine that combines recent uterine fibroid research into a useful framework for scientists, clinicians, patients and the pharmaceutical industry.
The director of melanoma research within the Northwestern Skin Cancer Institute presented his validation study at a meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology.
Scientists are working to determine if a specific receptor inhibitor could be used to augment chemotherapy or prevent relapse in individuals with the disease.
Bronwyn Rae, MD, MPH ’13, lecturer in preventive medicine, will spend the next year as a professor of anesthesia in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as part of a new public/private initiative of the Peace Corps and Seed Global Health.
Most recently the chief of genetic medicine and director of the Institute for Integrative Genomics at Vanderbilt University, Alfred L. George Jr., MD, arrives at Feinberg on March 1, 2014.
Comprised of the world-class Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute and Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute, the Heart Institutes at Northwestern Medicine are poised to become a recognized leader in cardiovascular medicine through clinical excellence and the discovery of innovative new therapies.
Published in Developmental Cell, the Mitchell Lab’s discovery could someday affect scientists’ understanding of the way centriole duplication goes awry in cancer development.