The 156th Founders’ Day welcomed the incoming Class of 2018 to medical school bestowing first-year students with their white coats.
First-year medical students start the year with interactive lectures, team-based learning and clinical experiences during the Introduction to the Profession Module.
Two medical school graduate students received Innovation to Commercialization Fellowships to develop skills to be successful innovators and entrepreneurs.
Third-year medical student Adina Goldberger will use her Schweitzer Fellowship to develop and implement a discussion-based preventative health program for women currently incarcerated in the Cook County Jail.
MSTP celebrated its 50th anniversary with a poster session and reception attended by students, alumni and faculty.
Celeste Mallama, a fourth-year graduate student, studies how the bacterium that causes Legionnaires’ Disease infects host cells.
First-year Doctor of Physical Therapy students celebrated the 8th Annual Clinical Practice Ceremony on June 20, receiving patches for their white coats as they start their full-time clinical internships.
One of more than a dozen connected papers to be published in the American Journal of Public Health, a recent study has shown that Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender youths make an increased number of choices that elevate their risk of cancer.
Mark Hoggarth, a DPT/PhD student, created a new screening measure that has the potential to decipher if a patient has whiplash and the severity of the trauma.
Theanne Griffith, a fourth year graduate student in the Northwestern University Interdepartmental Neuroscience PhD Program, studies the role of kainate receptors in neurons. Last year she was awarded a two-year pre-doctoral fellowship by the American Heart Association.