Charity Smith, first-year student in the Master’s in Prosthetics and Orthotics degree program, and Michael Hoggatt, second-year student in the program, were selected to receive the International African American Prosthetic and Orthotic Coalition Sam D. Benson Scholarship.
A simple toolkit of checklists, education materials and feedback reporting improved the quality of care, but not outcomes, in a group of 60 hospitals in south India, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.
At Keep Your Heart Healthy events, Feinberg medical students provide cardiovascular disease risk assessment and prevention counseling to underserved communities.
Max Kazer, a third-year medical student, is investigating the impact of a meditation practice on stress reduction among medical students as part of his AOSC project.
Feinberg capped off its week-long celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. with a keynote address by Charles Blow, op-ed columnist at the New York Times, political commentator on CNN and former Presidential Visiting Professor at Yale University.
Medical students in Second Opinions, a student-run pro-bono consulting group, shared their experiences consulting for local healthcare nonprofits at a recent lecture.
Omar Bushara, first-year MD/MPH student, discusses how spending a year teaching biology on Chicago’s South Side crystallized his interest in public health.
Roopal Kundu, ’01 MD, ’02 GME, guides students through the admissions process and beyond.
Nicolás Francone, a first-year medical student, combines his interests in medicine and policy to reduce inequality in care delivery and improve access to healthcare for Hispanic patients.
Second-year medical student Apoorva Ram strives to reduce cardiovascular health disparities among South Asian Americans in both her research and her volunteer work.