The Feinberg Academy of Medical Educators (FAME) plays an essential role at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, by recognizing and supporting outstanding educational contributions.
Linda Suleiman, MD, a fourth-year resident in Orthopaedic Surgery, has been awarded the 2015 Marco Ellis Legacy Award for her outstanding leadership and commitment to diversity.
New trainees went through a rigorous two-day ‘bootcamp’ to refine their communication and clinical skills before starting residency.
A new pipeline program promotes mentorship and networking for students, residents and faculty members from groups that are traditionally underrepresented in medicine, with the goal of preparing medical students for residency and future careers.
Luis Rivera, MD, a first-year resident in Family and Community Medicine, was recently awarded a $25,000 scholarship by the National Medical Fellowship for his work and commitment to underserved populations of Chicago.
Medical students discussed choosing specialties with residents and faculty members during a panel and career fair.
Kimberly Golden, MD, a third-year pathology resident, was presented with the 2014 Marco Ellis Legacy Award for her extraordinary contributions to the McGaw Diversity Council.
Among the more than 300 Internal Medicine residency programs to receive physician nominations, the McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University collected the 10th most.
In her last year of residency, Jill Huded, MD, created new educational handouts for CommunityHealth, a free clinic in Chicago, to increase health literacy in an underserved population. Her project was funded by a Schweitzer fellowship.