Most recently the chief of genetic medicine and director of the Institute for Integrative Genomics at Vanderbilt University, Alfred L. George Jr., MD, arrives at Feinberg on March 1, 2014.
Comprised of the world-class Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute and Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute, the Heart Institutes at Northwestern Medicine are poised to become a recognized leader in cardiovascular medicine through clinical excellence and the discovery of innovative new therapies.
Published in Developmental Cell, the Mitchell Lab’s discovery could someday affect scientists’ understanding of the way centriole duplication goes awry in cancer development.
Scientists at the Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center recently used an existing assessment tool to quantify issues of balance in individuals with lower-limb amputation. Findings were published in the Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
The nanoscientist is one of 28 investigators named in the annual “Thomson Reuters Predicts Nobel Laureates” study, which has accurately forecasted 27 winners since its inception in 2002.
Recently published research by Liang Zhou, MD, PhD, has revealed that the aryl hydrocarbon receptor helps fight infection and keeps the body from attacking itself.
Smoking at least a pack a day also increases the odds of this community developing a severe and harder to treat form of the disease.
The finding offers a potentially new way to enhance typical daytime treatment of phobias by adding a nighttime element.
A Northwestern University-led research team underscores the importance of the biological timing system to the proper use of stored fuel.
Four awards were presented at the Second Annual Driskill Day – two to current students and two to recent graduates. The event celebrates the $10 million gift from the Walter S. and Lucienne Driskill Foundation.