Men gain weight after the birth of their first child, raising their risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes, according to new Northwestern Medicine research.
Music training, introduced as late as high school, may help improve the teenage brain’s responses to sound and sharpen hearing and language skills.
Two Northwestern Medicine studies help explain how components of the cytoskeleton called intermediate filaments move and assemble to protect cells.
Lizzie Aguiniga, a fifth-year graduate student, studies the role of enzymes associated with pelvic pain and other bladder problems.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have revealed how a pneumonia-causing bacterium uses a toxin to spread itself from the lungs to the bloodstream.
Northwestern Medicine scientists investigated the mechanism behind a mutation in a calcium ion channel that leads to an immunodeficiency syndrome.
Time spent on smartphones and GPS location sensor data can help detect depression, according to new Northwestern Medicine research.
Children from low-income families who succeed academically and socially have increased cellular aging, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.
Rebecca Edwards, an MD/PhD student, studies the role host factors play in mediating disease in the eye caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1.
Feinberg faculty have received a National Institutes of Health grant to develop a statistical framework for correcting measurement errors associated with self-reported diet assessment.