Max Kazer, a third-year medical student, is investigating the impact of a meditation practice on stress reduction among medical students as part of his AOSC project.
Medical students in Second Opinions, a student-run pro-bono consulting group, shared their experiences consulting for local healthcare nonprofits at a recent lecture.
Georges Bordage, MD, MSc, PhD, professor of Medical Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, delivered a talk on diagnostic reasoning and how to teach it to trainees.
Second-year medical student Apoorva Ram strives to reduce cardiovascular health disparities among South Asian Americans in both her research and her volunteer work.
Students performed a series of skits satirizing the medical school experience at “In Vivo Goes Paperless,” the 39th annual performance of In Vivo, Feinberg’s sketch comedy and variety show.
Jonathan Holloway, provost of Northwestern, shared a historical overview of African-Americans in modern universities during a lecture sponsored by Feinberg’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
The resources used to teach the physical exam to pre-clerkship students vary widely across U.S. medical schools, according to a new paper published in Academic Medicine.
Jacqueline Godbe, an MD/PhD student in the Medical Scientist Training Program and a champion triathlete, finds that training for races complements her studies.
The medical school’s annual Global Health Day included a keynote address and a poster session of student research conducted around the world.
Second-year medical students showcased ongoing results from their Area of Scholarly Concentration research projects at a recent poster session.