Physicians, patients, scientists and supporters gathered at the 6th Annual Les Turner Symposium on ALS and NeuroRepair to share research updates, provide patient education and foster new scientific collaborations.
Jeffrey Linder, ’97 MD, MPH, will join Northwestern as the new chief of General Internal Medicine and Geriatrics.
Babafemi Taiwo, MBBS, ’06 GME, has been named chief of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Medicine.
Internationally renowned Swiss neuro-oncologist Roger Stupp, MD, will join Northwestern Medicine as a professor of Neurological Surgery.
Clyde Yancy, MD, MSc, chief of Cardiology in the Department of Medicine, has been elected to the National Academy of Medicine, one of the highest honors in the field.
David Cella, PhD, chair of Medical Social Sciences, received the Gustav O. Lienhard Award from the National Academy of Medicine for his work to measure and apply patient-reported outcomes in healthcare.
Ronald Ackermann, MD, MPH, has been named senior associate dean for public health and director of the Institute for Public Health and Medicine (IPHAM), succeeding IPHAM’s inaugural leader, Rowland Chang, MD, MPH.
Jyothy Puthumana, MD, uses a specialized echocardiography simulator to better assess trainees’ and experienced cardiologists’ competency on trans esophageal echocardiogram, with the goal of improving patient care.
Craig Johnson, MBA, has been appointed chief operating officer at the Feinberg School of Medicine.
The Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University in partnership with Feinberg launched an eHealth Distance Learning Portal on August 1 to encourage global collaborations.