Jason Wertheim, MD, PhD, vice chair for research in the Department of Surgery, has been named associate director for admissions of Feinberg’s Medical Scientist Training Program.
Ali Shilatifard, PhD, has been appointed editor of Science Advances, an open-access journal published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which also publishes the journal Science.
Two Northwestern faculty, including the chair of Pathology, will serve as president and vice president of the American Association of Neuropathologists.
Melissa Simon, MD, MPH, the George H. Gardner Professor of Clinical Gynecology, has received the National Science Foundation’s Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring.
Lee Lindquist, ’00 MD, chief of Geriatrics, helps families start difficult conversations about aging with the website Plan Your Lifespan.
The American Heart Association recently selected Northwestern Medicine as one of six centers to be part of a new, grant-funded national network dedicated to researching and understanding the causes of atrial fibrillation, the most common type of irregular heartbeat.
A new app, developed in part by Northwestern Medicine faculty, rates the nutritional value of packaged foods and suggests healthier products.
Submit your most visually interesting scientific images for the first Feinberg Scientific Images Contest: All entries will be entered into a lottery for an Apple iPad, and each image will be considered for inclusion in a gallery inside the new Louis A. Simpson and Kimberly K. Querrey Biomedical Research Center.
Northwestern University and Deerfield Management launched Lakeside Discovery, LLC, formally announced the partnership which will provide up to $65 million of targeted funding and deep development expertise to advance promising Northwestern research.
Along with Deerfield Management, Northwestern has announced a $65 million investment and the launch of Lakeside Discovery, LLC, with the mission to accelerate the translation of transformative biomedical technologies.