Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a new strategy to treat Parkinson’s disease by mitigating the effects of harmful genetic mutations, according to a recent study.
Joel Voss, PhD, and John Disterhoft, PhD, have received a $6.3 million grant from the NIH as part of the BRAIN Initiative.
A recent investigation published in Nature Communications revealed how damage to a neural circuit can cause amnesia.
Boosting the activity of newly-created neurons mimicked the effect of antidepressant medication in mouse models, according to a recent study.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have pinpointed the location of dysfunctional brain networks that lead loss of language in primary progressive aphasia, a form of dementia.
A new study identified two new functions of a neural regulatory protein, with possible clinical implications down the line.
Two Northwestern University scientists have received a $3.1 million grant from the National Institute on Aging to collaborate and investigate drug therapies for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
Northwestern Medicine scientists have identified a protein that helps reprogram HER2-positive breast cancer cells to survive in the brain, according to a recent study.
A new study measured changes in neural pathways after a stroke, finding that many patients’ nervous systems appear to shift activity to undamaged motor pathways from the brain and the brainstem.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have rescued movement in a mouse model of Parkinson’s disease by restoring the intrinsic discharge of nerve cells within the subthalamic nucleus.