Tag: Education

  • Neuromuscular Warm-Up Reduces Girls’ Sports Injuries

    Neuromuscular Warm-Up Reduces Girls’ Sports Injuries Today’s athletic high school girls “got game” on the basketball court and soccer field, but they are at a greater risk for sports-related knee injuries than their male counterparts. In a new study from Northwestern Medicine, focused on predominantly low-income, urban female athletes in Chicago Public Schools (CPS), researchers[…]

  • New Center Aims to Reduce Health Disparities for Latinos and African Americans

    New Center Aims to Reduce Health Disparities for Latinos and African Americans The Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine has received a three-year $4.3 million dollar federal grant to establish a Research Center of Excellence in Clinical Preventive Services. The center is one of three nationally established by the United States Department of Health and[…]

  • Protein Acts as Miracle-Gro for Neurons, Slows Brain Disease

    Protein Acts as Miracle-Gro for Neurons, Slows Brain Disease A protein that promotes the growth of neurons and blood vessels appears to stop the progression of a genetic disease that causes degeneration of the cerebellum, according to new preclinical Northwestern Medicine research published in Nature Medicine. The disease, spinocerebella ataxia type 1, typically strikes people[…]

  • Lower-Income Dads Active in their Kids’ Health

    Lower-Income Dads Active in their Kids’ Health Lower-income, urban dads are involved in their children’s health and encourage them to exercise and eat healthy foods, reports a new study from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. But these same dads may also give their kids the wrong dose of medicine and may be uncomfortable handling[…]

  • Peanut Allergy Turned Off by Tricking Immune System

    Peanut Allergy Turned Off by Tricking Immune System Researchers have turned off a life-threatening allergic response to peanuts by tricking the immune system into thinking the nut proteins aren’t a threat to the body, according to a new preclinical study from Northwestern Medicine. The peanut tolerance was achieved by attaching peanut proteins onto blood cells[…]

  • Northwestern Postdoctoral Fellow’s Work Becomes Cover Story

    Northwestern Postdoctoral Fellow’s Work Becomes Cover Story Dr. Xin Liu (center) works closely with his fellowship advisers, Drs. James Carr (left) and Debiao Li, investigating clinical applications of cardiovascular MR imaging techniques. When graduate student Xin Liu, MD, PhD, submitted a manuscript detailing the benefits of the targeted use of magnetic resonance (MR) angiography in[…]

  • Study Finds Many Patients Don’t Understand Their Prescription Medicine Labels

    November 29, 2006 Contact: Marla Paul at (312) 503-8928 or at marla-paul@northwestern.edu Study Finds Many Patients Don’t Understand Their Prescription Medicine Labels CHICAGO—When Michael Wolf, PhD, paged though dusty, yellowing pharmacists’ logs from the 1890s at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History, he found the following entry about a druggist’s encounter with a confused[…]

  • Alum Thomas Starzl to Receive National Medal of Science

    Alum Thomas Starzl to Receive National Medal of Science Feinberg School alumnus and internationally renown transplant surgeon Thomas E. Starzl, MD, PhD, will receive the National Medal of Science at a White House ceremony February 13. The nation’s highest scientific honor, the National Medal of Science is bestowed annually by the President of the United[…]

  • Ward Portraits Undergo Restoration

    Ward Portraits Undergo Restoration The Wards are back! Actually, the portraits of pioneer Chicago catalog retailer A. Montgomery Ward and his wife, Elizabeth, have returned from being restored and again are firmly ensconced in the lobby of the Feinberg School of Medicine’s oldest building, completed in 1926. The portraits were gone for several months during[…]

  • Feinberg School Well Represented Among Chicago’s “Top Docs”

    Of the 350 physicians selected as “Top Doctors” by Chicago magazine, one- third are on faculty at the Feinberg School of Medicine. The magazine’s January 2004 issue identifies physicians in 58 specialties who garnered recognition through a survey conducted by Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. Castle Connolly contacted thousands of health care professionals in metropolitan Chicago,[…]