Risk of relapse for chronic myeloid leukemia patients may be reduced through drug combination after discontinuing initial therapy, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in the journal Leukemia.
A novel genetic toolkit developed by Northwestern Medicine scientists may support the development of customized therapeutic interventions for a breadth of diseases, according to a recent study published in Nature Communications.
An emerging strategy to boost fight cancer may actually harm certain immune cells, according to a recent study.
A previously unknown migration of glioblastoma may explain why current treatments stall out over time, according to a new study.
A new Northwestern University study has discovered that the packing of the three-dimensional genome structure, called chromatin, controls how cells respond to stress.
An AI model predicted breast cancer in mammograms more accurately than radiologists, reducing false positives and false negatives, according to a new study.
These images illustrate the physical reality Northwestern scientists work within, striving to uncover the mysteries of biology, chemistry and medicine.
A new lipid nanoparticle drug helped make tumor cells more vulnerable to therapy, significantly prolonging survival in models of glioblastoma.
A cytoskeletal protein called vimentin helps prevent the nuclei of cells that must navigate through tight spaces in the body from rupturing, according to a recent study.
A Northwestern Medicine study reports the first guidelines for treating sebaceous carcinoma, a cancer of the oil glands diagnosed in thousands of patients every year.