Founded in 2005 by Northwestern University Prosthetics-Orthotics Center graduates David Krupa, CP, and Eric Neufeld, CPO, the Range of Motion Project has provided prostheses and orthoses to thousands of Guatemalans.
The medical device start-up company, BriteSeed developed by a team of four Northwestern University graduate students, won first place at the second annual 2012 TechWeek LAUNCH competition, earning the company more than $100,000 in cash and prizes.
Third-year medical students received their white coats on July 3 to symbolize their transition from the classroom to the clinic.
Theresa Sukal Moulton, DPT/PhD ’12, is the first graduate of the new Doctor in Physical Therapy and PhD in Engineering Program at Northwestern University. The dual degree, the only of its kind in the country, offers individuals interested in movement and rehabilitation sciences the training to help them become the next generation of leaders in…
The Department of Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences (PTHMS) celebrated its 6th annual Clinical Practice White Coat Ceremony on June 22. The event recognizes Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) students as they transition from academic coursework to their first full-time clinical internship.
Seventy incoming interns woke up early to start “bootcamp” at 7 a.m. on June 20. But instead of pushups, jumping jacks, and crunches, this group from specialties such as internal medicine, anesthesiology, emergency medicine, and neurology, went through a rigorous three-day physician orientation.
Marco Ellis, MD, chief resident of plastic surgery at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, received an award June 8 for his dedication and service to diversity initiatives at McGaw Medical Center of Northwestern University.
Thirty physician assistant students in the Class of 2014 were initiated into the PA Program at a white coat ceremony on June 8 at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
As one of the first medical centers to capture high-definition video feeds from an operating room and deliver them to a personal computer, videoconferencing at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is continuing to evolve.
H. Huntington Batjer, MD, chair of the Department of Neurological Surgery, is leaving Feinberg on September 1 after nearly 17 years of service.