Donated Coats and More Take the Bite Out of Winter Staff Relations Committee members Shirley Foster (left) and Marissa Michaels prepare donations for pickup by Heartland Alliance for Human Needs & Human Rights. This winter won’t be quite so cold for some Chicago residents thanks to the generosity of faculty and staff of the Feinberg[…]
NUCATS Online Taking education and training beyond the Northwestern campus Busy community physicians and clinical researchers aren’t always able to travel to Northwestern’s downtown Chicago campus to participate in professional development classes. When a survey of principal investigators, coordinators, and other clinical research staff showed that one third of the respondents were interested in online[…]
Ann Harris, PhD, Focuses on Cystic Fibrosis Research Dr. Ann Harris Ann Harris, PhD, is on a mission. As the director of one of the youngest programs at Children’s Memorial Research Center, she understands good science, dedication, and the value of a lively exchange of ideas. Harris is committed to infusing her laboratory, the Human[…]
Rheumatology Celebrates Three Professors Dr. Richard Pope bestows an endowed professorship medallion upon Dr. Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman. On November 10, the Division of Rheumatology invested Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD, DrPH, and Leena Sharma, MD, as the Solovy/Arthritis Research Society Research Professors, and reappointed Syamal K. Datta, MD, as the Solovy/Arthritis Research Society Professor of Medicine. In recognizing[…]
Student Volunteer Honored with AAMC Scholarship (L to R) Dr. Carol Aschenbrener, AAMC executive vice president, and Tamika Smith From teaching low-income housing residents in Chicago how to eat healthier to treating underprivileged patients in the mountains of rural Jamaica, third-year Feinberg student Tamika E. Smith has spent the last five years on a good-will[…]
Student Volunteer Honored with AAMC Scholarship (L to R) Dr. Carol Aschenbrener, AAMC executive vice president, and Tamika Smith From teaching low-income housing residents in Chicago how to eat healthier to treating underprivileged patients in the mountains of rural Jamaica, third-year Feinberg student Tamika E. Smith has spent the last five years on a good-will[…]
Faculty members at the Feinberg School of Medicine frequently are quoted or featured in national and/or international news stories.
New Obesity Center Includes Clinical Care, Research, and Education (L to R) Drs. Lewis Landsberg, George Bray, and Robert Kushner The opening of the Northwestern Comprehensive Center on Obesity (NCCO) was celebrated by more than 200 members of the Feinberg School community, who packed the Hughes Auditorium of the Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center[…]
Faculty Members Honor One of Their Own (L to R) Dr. Melina Kibbe and Dr. William Pearce William Pearce, MD, has the distinction and honor of being named the inaugural Faculty Mentor of the Year for 2008 by the Medical Faculty Senate Council (MFSC). The MFSC comprises a representative from each department at the Feinberg[…]
New Lab Advances ALS Research Les Turner ALS Foundation and Wenske Foundation fortify ALS research efforts through creation of second ALS laboratory (L to R) Dr. P. Hande Ozdinler; Harvey Gaffen, president of the Les Turner ALS Foundation; and Dr. Teepu Siddique The opening of the Feinberg School’s second Les Turner ALS laboratory was celebrated[…]