Category: Uncategorized

  • New Center Global Health Center Meets Multiple Needs

    New Global Health Center Meets Multiple Needs Dr. Robert Murphy Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine announces the formation of the Center for Global Health. Through this comprehensive center, the school will facilitate international experiences for its students, trainees, and faculty members, and will promote and build, through local partnerships, sustainable research and education programs[…]

  • Video: Preserving Fertility in Cancer Patients

    Video: Preserving Fertility in Cancer Patients Drs. Teresa Woodruff (left) and Jacqueline Jeruss Watch a Webinar with fertility researcher Teresa Woodruff, PhD and surgical oncologist Jacqueline Jeruss, MD, PhD, discussing their New England Journal of Medicine article (February 26 issue) on preserving fertilty in cancer patients. print story

  • Making National News

    Making National News

    Faculty members at the Feinberg School of Medicine frequently are quoted or featured in national and/or international news stories.

  • Scientists Welcome Lifting of Stem Cell Funding Ban

    Scientists Welcome Lifting of Stem Cell Funding Ban View Dr. Kessler’s live interview on WTTW Dr. John Kessler Feinberg School of Medicine scientists who do research with stem cells said they were relieved that politics would no longer interfere with science, after President Barack Obama signed an executive order Monday to permit federal funding for[…]

  • Chronic Pain Reorganizes the Brain

    Chronic Pain Reorganizes the Brain Dr. Marco Martina Studies of people suffering from chronic pain have shown that depression and specific cognitive declines are associated with the condition. In humans, the prefrontal cortex is known to be important in higher-order cognitive and emotional functions, and a subsection, the medial prefrontal cortex, has been correlated with[…]

  • Researchers Identify ALS Gene Mutation

    Researchers Identify ALS Gene Mutation;Early Study Is Key to Latest Discovery Dr. Teepu Siddique Research that has discovered a new gene whose mutations cause 5 percent of inherited cases of ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is part of a national study led by the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. The study reported in Science today[…]

  • Healthy for You, Healthy for 2

    Healthy for You, Healthy for 2New program for obese pregnant women offers tailor-made plan Dr. Robert Kushner The Northwestern Comprehensive Center on Obesity is tackling the growing health problem of obesity during pregnancy with a unique program. A team of health professionals—a physician, dietitian, exercise physiologist, and clinical psychologist—will help pregnant women develop better nutrition[…]

  • NUCATS Pilot Grant Awardees Think Outside the Box

    NUCATS Pilot Grant Awardees Think Outside the Box Above is an image of gold nanoparticle probes binding to a human breast cancer cell line from the research of Drs. Odom and Zhang. The Northwestern University Clinical Translational Sciences (NUCATS) Institute announces the recipients of the first Center for Translational Innovation pilot grant competition. These awardees[…]

  • Troubled Youths Struggle After Detention Center Stay

    Troubled Youths Struggle After Detention Center Stay Dr. Karen Abram The kids who pass through juvenile detention facilities are among the most troubled youths in the community. How do they fare a few years after this significant brush with the legal system? Researchers from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine interviewed youths ages 13 to[…]

  • Medical Student Joins Surgical Relief Team

    Medical Student Joins Surgical Relief Team Medical student Michael Granieri (left) and patient. Michael Granieri, a second-year medical student from Chicago, got a head start on his surgical rotation recently when he accompanied Christopher Gonzalez, MD, MBA, associate professor of urology, and medical residents Neema Navai, and Oni Okotie to the tiny village of San[…]