Students sought advice about life as a female medical professional from faculty members during the annual spring tea event hosted by Feinberg’s American Women’s Medical Association and the Women’s Faculty Organization.
As one of eight centers in the Institute for Public Health and Medicine, the CCH will facilitate multi-disciplinary, partnered efforts to envision and investigate a frontier of medicine that integrates public policy and population health.
Ruslan Medzhitov, PhD, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator and David W. Wallace Professor of Immunobiology at Yale University School of Medicine, was awarded the inaugural Lurie Prize in the Biomedical Sciences for discoveries related to the immune system.
Held in conjunction with National Women’s Health Week, the event featured a lecture, poster session, and vendor fair.
Leroy Hood, MD, PhD, president and co-founder of the Institute for Systems Biology, presented a lecture on systems approach to biology and medicine on Monday, May 13 at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Four medical school faculty members were elected into two prestigious professional societies, the Association of American Physicians and the American Society for Clinical Investigation.
The dangerously high salt levels in processed food and fast food remain essentially unchanged, notwithstanding numerous calls from public and private health agencies for the food industry to voluntarily reduce sodium levels, reports a new Northwestern Medicine® study conducted with the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
Neil Stone, MD, is chair of a National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute panel scheduled to issue new cholesterol guidelines which may reshape the treatment of millions of Americans.
Event provides the opportunity for students and researchers to learn more about the important aging and dementia research taking place at Northwestern.
Dimitri Krainc, MD, PhD, a distinguished investigator of international stature whose research has had a transformative impact in the area of neurodegenerative diseases, will join Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine on July 1 as Aaron Montgomery Ward Professor, chair of the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology, and director of the newly established…