Scientists from Northwestern Medicine have discovered a key function for the CRAC channel, which transports calcium into cells.
Milan Mrksich, PhD, professor in the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, has created a tool and a startup company to test biological reactions quickly and cheaply.
Al George, MD, Melds Genetics, Drug Discovery To Personalize Medicine
The experimental drug prolonged the lifespan in a mouse model of accelerated aging by inhibiting a protein that plays a key role in the process.
Hossein Ardehali, MD, PhD, has discovered that doxorubicin, an effective and commonly used anticancer drug, is causing an accumulation of iron inside of a cell’s mitochondria, resulting in heart damage.
Most recently the chief of genetic medicine and director of the Institute for Integrative Genomics at Vanderbilt University, Alfred L. George Jr., MD, arrives at Feinberg on March 1, 2014.
Published in Anesthesiology, Eugene Silinsky, PhD, has found that calcium channels, and not a depletion of neurotransmitters as previously thought, are responsible for the decreased response in muscles treated by neuromuscular blockers. The finding could prove helpful in developing new therapies for a host of neuromuscular diseases.
The Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports project issued reports on 33 serious adverse drug or device reactions in its first decade of existence, showing its value as an independent drug surveillance program.