Yvette Wong, PhD, assistant professor in the Ken and Ruth Davee Department of Neurology, has received the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, which supports early-career investigators conducting unconventional and innovative research projects in the biomedical, behavioral or social sciences.
Samuel Stupp, PhD, the Board of Trustees Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, Chemistry, Medicine, and Biomedical Engineering, will receive the 2022 American Chemical Society Ralph F. Hirschmann Award in Peptide Chemistry.
D. James Surmeier, PhD, the chair and Nathan Smith Davis Professor of Neuroscience, has been named the winner of the 2021 Tripartite Legacy Faculty Prize in Translational Science and Education.
Lewis Landsberg, MD, former dean of Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and chair of the Department of Medicine, whose thirty-year career at Northwestern transformed the medical school, passed away recently.
Northwestern University Trustees and alumni Patrick G. Ryan and Shirley W. Ryan have made a historic gift to name and endow the Robert J. Havey, MD Institute for Global Health.
Northwestern Medicine physician-scientist Amy Heimberger, MD, has been named by President Biden to the National Cancer Advisory Board, which plays an important role in setting the course for the nation’s cancer research programs.
Shirley Ryan AbilityLab (formerly Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago), today announced that AbilityLab’s president and CEO, Joanne C. Smith, MD, has died following treatment for cancer.
Stephanie Eisenbarth, MD, PhD, of Yale University, has been named chief of Feinberg’s Division of Allergy and Immunology in the Department of Medicine, and director of the newly formed Center for Human Immunobiology.
An international collaboration for which Luisa Iruela-Arispe, PhD, chair of Cell and Developmental Biology, serves as North American coordinator, has received a five-year, $7 million Transatlantic Networks of Excellence Program award from the Leducq Foundation.
Sachin Patel, MD, PhD, has been named chair and Lizzie Gilman Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and psychiatrist-in-chief at Northwestern Memorial Hospital’s Norman and Ida Stone Institute of Psychiatry.