Excess Folate Returns Glial Cells to their Stem Cell Roots
High levels of folate, a B vitamin, can force glial nerve cells to transform back into undifferentiated stem cells, according to a new study published in the journal Stem Cells.
NEST360° raises $68 million for African newborn survival
Funding has been announced for the first phase of an eight-year initiative to enable African hospitals to improve newborn survival by 50 percent, led by a consortium including Northwestern University.
Personalized Approach to Parkinson’s Treatment
Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a new strategy to treat Parkinson’s disease by mitigating the effects of harmful genetic mutations, according to a recent study.
Charting a Path for Women in Medicine
The second annual Women in Medicine symposium brought together Northwestern educators, scientists, trainees and students to highlight pioneering women and challenges still faced today.
Medical Students Present Research Projects at AOSC Poster Session
Second-year medical students shared results from their ongoing Area of Scholarly Concentration (AOSC) research projects at a recent poster session.
Medical School Research Funding Reaches New Heights in 2019
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine received a record $534 million in research funding and awards during the 2018-2019 fiscal year.
An Impactful Partnership Between the American Heart Association and Northwestern
This article was originally published in the Breakthroughs Newsletter. Find more stories like this, as well as the Breakthroughs Podcast, on the Breakthroughs homepage Cardiovascular health isn’t just about the heart, or about the thousands of veins, arteries, and capillaries that provide oxygen and other nutrients to every corner of the body. According to Clyde Yancy, MD,[…]
Study Assesses Asthma Treatment Options in African American Children and Adults
The use of long-acting bronchodilators to treat asthma had no impact for some African-American children, according to a new study from Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and the Department of Pediatrics.
New Heart Failure Drug Fails to Reduce Hospitalizations
A new Northwestern Medicine study found an experimental drug did not lower hospitalization among patients suffering from heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.
$6.3 Million Grant to Explore Brain Stimulation
Joel Voss, PhD, and John Disterhoft, PhD, have received a $6.3 million grant from the NIH as part of the BRAIN Initiative.
Genetically Modified Protein Improves Repair of Muscle Injuries
Genetic modifier protein Annexin A6 accelerates acute and chronic muscle injury repair by more than 50 percent.
Northwestern Celebrates Women in Medicine
Feinberg celebrates the remarkable achievements of Northwestern’s women faculty in medicine and commemorates their contributions to science, clinical medicine, and society.
Revolutionary Simple Blood Tests for Diabetic Complications, Cancer
A revolutionary new approach that analyzes a tiny sample of blood, can detect life-threatening vascular complications in diabetic patients earlier and more accurately than traditional tests.
Lerner Receives NIH New Innovator Award
Talia Lerner, PhD, has received the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, an early-career grant supporting projects in the biomedical, behavioral or social sciences.
Medical Education Day Celebrates Innovation, Inclusivity and Educational Excellence
Feinberg faculty and students celebrated the ninth annual Medical Education Day at the Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center with sessions, lectures and workshops that examined the future of medical education.
New Center for Food Allergy and Asthma Research Established
Northwestern has established the new Center for Food Allergy and Asthma Research, which will provide investigators and patients more support while uncovering new discoveries from applied and basic science research on allergies.
First Prostate Cancer Therapy to Target Genes Delays Cancer Progression
The first prostate cancer treatment based on the genetic makeup of the cancer resulted in significant improvements, according to a large international trial led by Northwestern Medicine investigators.
Northwestern Faculty Help Local Student-Inventors Test Winning Concepts
Three Chicagoland high school students created the PeelTowel, a citrus peel-based, anti-microbial paper towel, and tested it in the laboratory of Alan Hauser, MD, PhD, vice chair of the Department of Microbiology-Immunology.
Damaged Brain Circuit Linked to Amnesia
A recent investigation published in Nature Communications revealed how damage to a neural circuit can cause amnesia.
Reflecting on the Past and Making Plans for the Future: State of IPHAM 2019
The annual “State of IPHAM” address kicked off the academic year’s IPHAM Seminar Series by telling the story of the institute through its values: impact, health equity, diversity, respect, collaboration, research excellence, and sharing knowledge and benefits.