A group of medical students spent a month volunteering in urban and rural clinics and learning about public health in India.
Students in the Physician Assistant Program celebrated National Physician Assistant Week by raising awareness about the training and career of PAs, as well as by holding a keynote lecture and reception.
Bronwyn Rae, MD, MPH ’13, lecturer in preventive medicine, will spend the next year as a professor of anesthesia in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, as part of a new public/private initiative of the Peace Corps and Seed Global Health.
The official start to the academic year, the annual Founders’ Day Convocation includes the recitation of the Declaration of Geneva and the handing out of white coats to the incoming class.
To hone critical thinking and investigational skills, rising second-year students conduct research projects over the summer as part of the new curriculum. Two students share their work in basic science.
A graduate of Northwestern’s Honors Program in Medical Education, Rear Admiral Boris Lushniak, MD ’83, MPH, became acting surgeon general of the United States on July 17.
Program will integrate training in mental healthcare for LGBT clients with rotations in an infectious disease clinic and more.
Five Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine faculty members were accepted into the 2013-14 Searle Fellows Program, a year-long faculty development program.
Graduates of the sixth class of the Master of Science in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety program and the third class of the Master of Science in Health Services and Outcomes Research program were recognized at the Center for Education in Health Sciences 2013 Convocation on June 29.
The 161 members of the Class of 2013 celebrated their commencement ceremony with friends, family, and faculty at Chicago’s Navy Pier Grand Ballroom on May 23.