Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteins, is critical to many research projects taking place at the medical school. Plans are in place to expand capabilities on the Chicago campus in 2016, which will help scientists use proteins to make breakthroughs in varied fields of study.
Kelly Michelson, MD, MPH, ’04 GME, has been named director of Feinberg’s newly formed Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities.
A $5 million gift from the Hospira Foundation will establish the Hospira Foundation Professorship in Translational Cancer Biology at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University.
United Nations advisor Jeffrey Sachs, PhD, delivered the keynote address at Northwestern University’s Global Health Interdisciplinary Symposium Nov. 19.
The Fifth Annual Les Turner Symposium on ALS and NeuroRepair celebrated a new research and clinical care center and featured a variety of presentations, a keynote lecture and a poster session.
Providing individualized feedback about the risk of developing cardiovascular disease to community health center patients increased treatment discussions with primary care physicians, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study.
A new book co-authored by David Cella, PhD, professor and chair of the Department of Medical Social Sciences, offers health care providers a way to integrate patients’ voices into measures of health care performance.
Northwestern Medicine mentors will help junior faculty at three universities in Nigeria develop research skills during a five-year program funded by the National Institutes of Health.
Northwestern’s sponsored research awards grew to $620 million in fiscal year 2015, the largest amount in the University’s history, including awards to Feinberg School of Medicine scientists, which topped $400 million.
Northwestern Medicine physicians and nurses collaborated with the Chicago Fire Department to develop practice scenarios that will enhance communication between paramedics and physicians as well as continuity of care for patients.