For the first time, Northwestern Medicine scientists have characterized how a genetic mutation associated with pediatric epilepsy affects neuron activity.
T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia hijacks a signaling pathway to produce nucleotides, a basic building block of life that fuels the growth and spread of the cancer, according to a recent study.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have uncovered a neural circuit that drives fear-induced suppression of feeding, according to a study published in Neuron.
A new class of drugs shows benefit for both cardiovascular and kidney conditions, but scientists should be cautious in designing trials that include both cardiovascular and kidney outcomes in the same analysis, according to a Northwestern Medicine review article.
For the first time, Northwestern Medicine scientists have uncovered the complex logic that determines how cochlear cells are connected to the brain during neurodevelopment, according to a recent study.
Feinberg investigators continue to investigate new treatments for COVID-19 and share insights on combating misinformation and mitigating the disease’s spread.
An experimental drug called ezogabine reduced spinal neuron excitability in patients with ALS, according to a recent study.
Homer1, a protein that’s important for neural plasticity and learning, is part of a large network of proteins in the brain that help ensure new connections are wired correctly, according to a new study.
Nayo Hill, PT, DPT, a student in the Doctor of Physical Therapy/PhD Engineering dual-degree program (DPT/PhD), recently defended her dissertation on the use of probes to explore neural mechanisms driving movement impairments following brain injury.
Susan Quaggin, MD, has been elected president of the American Society of Nephrology.