Author: medweb

  • Chicagoan Takes Pathway to Medicine

    Chicagoan Takes Pathway to Medicine When Alfred J. Cook Jr. graduated with the Feinberg School of Medicine’s Class of 2003, he achieved not only a personal milestone but also a major goal of Northwestern’s Pathways to Medical Education (PME) initiative. A member of the inaugural group to participate in PME—a program created in 1992 to[…]

  • Feinberg School Welcomes MD Class of 2007

    Feinberg School Welcomes MD Class of 2007 This week the Feinberg School welcomes the 170 medical students of the Class of 2007. Orientation Week is filled with introductory sessions about the school, professionalism in medicine, and the curriculum as well as myriad social events. These include tours of Chicago, visits to its renowned museums, and[…]

  • Genetic Risks Missing from Patient Charts

    August 12, 2003 Genetic Risks Missing from Patient Charts CHICAGO— Standard history-taking in internal medicine practices may not fully capture patients’ risks for developing certain diseases, and internists may lose opportunities to provide preventive medical recommendations, according to a study from the Feinberg School of Medicine. Researchers on the study included Theresa M. Frezzo, MS,[…]

  • Protein May Be Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease

    August 19, 2003 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or Protein May Be Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease EVANSTON— Researchers at Northwestern University have discovered for the first time in humans the presence of a toxic protein they believe to be responsible for the devastating memory loss found in individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. An[…]

  • Risk Factor Almost Always Present in Most Heart Attacks

    August 22, 2003 Risk Factor Almost Always Present in Most Heart Attacks CHICAGO— Results of a large-scale study from the Feinberg School of Medicine dispute claims that, at least half the time, fatal and nonfatal heart attacks occur in individuals who had shown no previous evidence of at least one coronary heart disease (CHD) risk[…]

  • Student Investigators Experience Challenges of Exploration

    Student Investigators Experience Challenges of Exploration This summer 65 eager young investigators participated in Northwestern’s Medical Student Summer Research (MSSR) Program. Successfully competing for funding, participants worked with Feinberg School faculty mentors during the 10-week program. While they may not have made great breakthroughs, the students most certainly experienced the challenges of exploration in basic[…]

  • Estrogen Therapy Raises Risk Factors

    July 29, 2003 Estrogen Therapy Raises Risk Factors CHICAGO— Women who use estrogen replacement therapy to relieve menopausal symptoms are more likely to develop risk factors for potentially fatal irregular heartbeats (arrythmias) and heart attacks than women who take hormone therapy combining estrogen and progestin. Prior to the early termination of the estrogen plus progestin[…]

  • Helping Minority Students Achieve Goals

    Helping Minority Students Achieve Goals The Feinberg School of Medicine is serving as home base for more than 40 students taking part in the Minority Medical Education Program (MMEP) that runs from June 16 to July 25. Funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Association of American Medical Colleges, the program aims to help[…]

  • Immune System Genes Stave Off HIV Infection

    July 8, 2003 Immune System Genes Stave Off HIV Infection CHICAGO— Researchers have new answers as to why some HIV-infected individuals don’t progress to full-blown AIDS as rapidly as other HIV-positive people. Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine scientist Steven M. Wolinsky, MD, and colleagues found that individuals with certain rare variations, or alleles, of[…]

  • Stem Cell Therapy Doesn’t Improve Cancer Outcome

    July 8, 2003 Stem Cell Therapy Doesn’t Improve Cancer Outcome CHICAGO— Adding high-dose chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation to conventional chemotherapy offers little benefit for women with primary breast cancer who are at high risk for recurrence, finds a study reported in the July 3 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine. Moreover, toxicities[…]