Author: medweb

  • “Charlie and the Doctor Factory” Plays January 30 and 31

    “Charlie and the Doctor Factory” Plays January 30 and 31 This year’s In Vivo production, “Charlie and the Doctor Factory,” will be presented Friday, January 30, and Saturday, January 31, on the Thorne Auditorium stage, located at 375 East Chicago Avenue, on Northwestern University’s Chicago campus. Showtime is 7 p.m. both nights. Tickets are $8[…]

  • Scientists Grow Neurons Using Nanostructures

    Scientists Grow Neurons Using Nanostructures Scientists at Northwestern University have designed synthetic molecules that promote neuron growth, a promising development that could lead to the reversal of paralysis due to spinal cord injury. “We have created new materials that because of their chemical structure interact with cells of the central nervous system in ways that[…]

  • New PhD/MPH Program Offered

    New PhD/MPH Program Offered A new program leading to both PhD and MPH degrees has been created by the Integrated Graduate Program in the Life Sciences (IGP) and the MPH Program of the Department of Preventive Medicine. This distinctive field of study will train students in both laboratory research and interdisciplinary public health fields. Graduates[…]

  • In Memoriam (George Pollock)

    In Memoriam (George Pollock) George H. Pollock, MD, PhD, professor emeritus of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine, died of heart disease December 12 in a Houston hospital. He was 80. A native Chicagoan, Dr. Pollack graduated from the University of Illinois at Chicago medical school in 1945. His experience treating[…]

  • Medical Student Appears on “Wheel of Fortune”

    Medical Student Appears on “Wheel of Fortune” Second-year Feinberg School of Medicine student Ron Chacko says his mother is a big fan of the game show, “Wheel of Fortune.” “Growing up I used to watch ‘Wheel of Fortune’ almost every weeknight with my mom” at their home in Memphis, Tennessee, he says. “When I heard[…]

  • Children’s Memorial Research Programs Continue Robust Growth

    Children’s Memorial Research Programs Continue Robust Growth Research programs at Children’s Memorial Hospital (CMH), affiliated with the Feinberg School of Medicine, are experiencing significant growth with the arrival of several new recruits. Mary J.C. Hendrix, PhD, is the new president and scientific director, and Xiaobin Wang, MD, MPH, ScD, director of the Mary Ann and[…]

  • Early Fitness Protects Middle Age Hearts

    December 16, 2003 Early Fitness Protects Middle Age Hearts CHICAGO— Fitness in early adulthood greatly reduces the likelihood of developing high blood pressure and diabetes—both major risk factors for heart disease and stroke—in middle age, a new study has found. Reporting in the December 17 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association ,[…]

  • Ceremony Honors New Lurie Research Center

    Ceremony Honors New Lurie Research Center Weathering the brisk morning air on December 18, Feinberg School students and faculty and staff members joined Northwestern dignitaries and donors to participate in the “topping out” of the new Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center of Northwestern University. In one of the construction industry’s oldest traditions, a ceremonial[…]

  • Edible Urban Plants Found to Contain Lead

    December 10, 2003 Edible Urban Plants Found to Contain Lead EVANSTON, Ill. — Chicago has one of the highest rates of lead poisoning in the United States, an extremely persistent health problem that particularly plagues urban areas. Now a new study by Northwestern University researchers shows that edible plants grown in urban gardens could contain[…]

  • A Little Stress May Be Good

    December 16, 2003 Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or A Little Stress May Be Good EVANSTON, ILL.— We’ve often heard that red wine and dark chocolate in moderation can be good for you. Now it appears that a little stress may be beneficial too. Northwestern University scientists have shown that elevated levels of[…]