Author: medweb

  • Mentally Ill More Likely to Be Victims of Violence

    August 2, 2005 Mentally Ill More Likely to Be Victims of Violence CHICAGO—More than one-fourth of individuals with severe mental illness were victims of violent crime in the past year, almost 12 times general population rates, according to a study in the August issue of Archives of General Psychiatry. Depending on the type of violent[…]

  • Summer Program Helps Aspiring Physicians

    Summer Program Helps Aspiring Physicians by Symone Young Young (pictured below) spent the summer as an intern in the Dean’s Office at the Feinberg School of Medicine. If you’ve ever wondered what life is like being a medical student or physician—or going into medicine has always been your primary interest—then the Summer Medical Education Program[…]

  • In Memoriam (Kenneth Viste Jr.)

    In Memoriam (Kenneth Viste Jr.) Neurologist Kenneth Viste Jr., MD ’66, GME ’70, died August 21 of complications from gallbladder cancer in Rochester, Minnesota, at age 63. Past president of the Northwestern University Medical Alumni Association, Dr. Viste received the Distinguished Alumni Award in 1999 for his service to his profession, Northwestern, and the greater[…]

  • Faulty Biological Clocks May Influence Drug Addiction

    Contact: Megan Fellman at (847) 491-3115 or June 29, 2005 Faulty Biological Clocks May Influence Drug Addiction EVANSTON, Ill.—A gene that regulates the body’s circadian rhythms, including sleep and wakefulness, body temperature, hormone levels, blood pressure, and heart activity, may also play a central role in drug addiction, according to a recent study published[…]

  • Research Rankings Show Improvement

    Research Rankings Show ImprovementThree Feinberg School of Medicine departments—urology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and cell and molecular biology—are ranked in the top 10 in terms of National Institutes of Health funding for fiscal year 2004 among their peers in the 127 medical schools across the country. Urology ranks 2nd (same as last year), physical medicine[…]

  • Alumni Medal Caps Northwestern Love Affair

    Alumni Medal Caps Northwestern Love Affair For more than 80 years, the Traisman family “business” has specialized in excellent pediatric care and a deep loyalty to Northwestern. Pediatrician Howard S. Traisman, MD ’47, GME ’51, followed in the footsteps of his late father, former medical school faculty member Alfred S. Traisman, MD, in both respects.[…]

  • Tiny Zebrafish Teaches Researchers How to Fight Off a Deadly Cancer

    June 29, 2005 Tiny Zebrafish Teaches Researchers How to Fight Off a Deadly Cancer CHICAGO—The embryo of a tiny, silvery tropical fish found in many home aquariums is providing cancer researchers at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine with powerful new insights into the development of malignant melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. In[…]

  • Dr. Philip Greenland Appointed to New Post

    Dr. Philip Greenland Appointed to New Post Philip Greenland, MD, chair of the Department of Preventive Medicine at the Feinberg School of Medicine since 1991, will assume the newly created post of executive associate dean for clinical and translational research, effective September 1. Dr. Greenland will step down as department chair but continue as the[…]

  • Public Health Director Addresses Long-Term Care

    Public Health Director Addresses Long-Term Care With age in today’s graying America comes the wisdom that long-term care needs reform. This “demographic imperative” isn’t lost on the director of the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Eric E. Whitaker, MD, MPH, who presented the 11th Annual Eckenhoff Lecture, “Long-term Care in Illinois: Financing, Regulation, and[…]

  • Protein Essential for Hearing Also Vital for Pain Perception

    Protein Essential for Hearing Also Vital for Pain Perception The same protein that “translates” sound into nerve signals to the brain and enables individuals to hear is also required for pain perception, researchers from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine have found. Because the protein, TRPA1, is found in most—about 75 percent—of the body’s pain-perceiving[…]