Feinberg recently welcomed high school students from across the nation for a day of interactive learning at Northwestern Simulation. The students, part of the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC), visited Feinberg as part of a weeklong exploration of the different types of career opportunities available in medicine. During the daylong seminar, students learned how to handle laparoscopic tools used in minimally invasive surgeries, operate ultrasound machines and perform CPR.
Chris Iojas (right), and Smit Chitre (left), both from Michigan, practice finding each other’s veins and arteries using an ultrasound machine. “I joined the program because I’m interested in the medical field and I really like the leadership aspect. It’s been great to see the types of things I could be doing first hand. Now I know I definitely want to do something in the field,” Chitre said.Kathleen Braun, laboratory technician at Northwestern Simulation, explains how ports and laparoscopic tools are used to perform minimally invasive surgery.NSLC students examine a stomach model made out of synthetic materials. The life-like models help surgeons practice using their laparoscopic tools and train for surgery. “A lot of times, people study biology in their undergrad and go on to find that they don’t enjoy the lab or working directly with patients. There are so many different areas of medicine you can pursue, from surgery to engineering parts like these to perform minimally invasive surgeries. You aren’t limited to just traditional medical careers,” said Braun to a group of students.Sarah Ingram, a senior at Dexter Southfield High School in Massachusetts, practices a skill called the peg transfer using laparoscopic hand instruments. This task helps surgical trainees become familiar with the equipment and environment, as well as improves hand-eye coordination. “Even though I’m not sure about what I want to study, participating in these workshops has shown me that I want to pursue something in the medical field,” Ingram said.A group of NSLC students practices CPR/AED skills during an emergency simulation.