Two Northwestern Medicine clinical trials investigated drugs to treat patients suffering from vasodilatory shock and respiratory failure, showing promising results.
Northwestern Medicine investigators applied discovery-based proteomics to identify synaptic protein interactions that possibly contribute to autism spectrum disorders.
Patients with advanced neuroendocrine tumors had a similar quality of life while on a newly approved chemotherapy drug, as compared to patients receiving a placebo, according to a Northwestern Medicine study.
Scientists, students and trainees from dozens of departments gathered recently for the inaugural Stem Cells and Regenerative Biology Research Retreat.
Simple behavioral interventions can be effective at curbing inappropriate antibiotic prescribing, if adopted for the long term, according to a recent study published in JAMA.
A team of scientists has identified the genetic drivers of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, the most common type of blood cancer, and determined the genes’ clinical significance.
Small RNA molecules can trigger a mechanism hidden in every cell, forcing it to commit suicide, according to a new Northwestern Medicine study, the first to identify molecules that trigger such a fail-safe mechanism.
Second-year medical students showcased ongoing results from their Area of Scholarly Concentration research projects at a recent poster session.
Northwestern Medicine scientists have published a paper in Nature Chemical Biology, detailing an innovative use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology that has helped reveal how oxidative stress explains a common herbicide’s link to risk of Parkinson’s.
A new study published in Academic Medicine reports early outcomes on student achievement, confidence and engagement after the medical school’s curriculum redesign.