A new drug improved management of ulcerative colitis, according to a study published in NEJM.
A colonoscopy maneuver to better detect polyps in the right colon is often poorly preformed in practice, according to a Northwestern Medicine study.
Blessing Aghaulor, MD, MPH, a former resident in internal medicine and current fellow in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, has conducted research on transplant outcomes and consulted about patients at the ERASE trafficking clinic in Chicago.
Measuring levels of hypervigilance and anxiety may improve healthcare providers’ understanding of severe esophageal diseases and treatment strategies, according to a Northwestern Medicine study.
Stephen Miller, PhD, received the 2021 Technology Innovation and Development Award from the Society For Biomaterials for work on a nanoparticle that induces gluten tolerance in celiac disease.
A new study has found that psychological influences may be an underappreciated contributor to swallowing disorders, and should be incorporated into evaluations of symptom severity.