Faculty, staff and students shared presentations, workshops and discussions on the future of medical education at Feinberg’s 12th annual Medical Education Day, held September 30.
A new award to Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will enhance capabilities of data management and sharing for National Institutes of Health-funded researchers through the Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI), led by the NIH Office of Data Science Strategy.
Northwestern University has announced the endowment of the Ryan Family Center for Global Primary Care, focused on improving the quality of primary care throughout the world.
A new grant will fund the hiring of 15 new tenure-track faculty, along with tactics to ensure the success of faculty members from underrepresented populations.
More than 480 investigators, students, trainees and faculty presented scientific posters and abstracts at Feinberg’s 16th Annual Lewis Landsberg Research Day.
Amy Paller, MD, the chair of and Walter J. Hamlin Professor of Dermatology, has been named the winner of the 2022 Tripartite Legacy Faculty Prize in Translational Science and Education.
Mary M. McDermott, MD, ’92 GME, the Jeremiah Stamler Professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine, has been honored with the American Heart Association’s 2022 Peripheral Vascular Disease Distinguished Achievement Award.
Josh Levitsky, MD, ’08 MS, has been selected as president-elect of the American Society of Transplantation (AST).
Rinad S. Beidas, PhD, professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy and of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, has been named chair of Medical Social Sciences.
Jody Ciolino, PhD, and Masha Kocherginsky, PhD, faculty in the Department of Preventive Medicine Division of Biostatistics, were elected to the Board of Directors for the Society for Clinical Trials (SCT).